kalbhor / MusicRepair

Fixes music metadata and adds album art.
MIT License
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Instructions for Windows users #9

Closed unquietwiki closed 7 years ago

unquietwiki commented 7 years ago

Just tried this out on Windows, using Python 3.5.2 x64. Here's what I ran into...

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

Forgive me but I couldn't understand the issue. Do you mean that for windows users easy_install works but pip doesn't?

unquietwiki commented 7 years ago

@lakshaykalbhor Pip might work, but my first go of it had it stop after some errors on dependencies. Then again, I hadn't tried admin rights on that run. The easy_install run was more complete the first try, before elevating. I've ran into this on other projects: think it has to do with the ability of dependencies to compile stuff with C++ or something.

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

I shall add a side note in the readme for windows users that if pip doesn't work, they should try easy_install (With admin rights). Thanks for pointing this out

unquietwiki commented 7 years ago

@lakshaykalbhor No problem. 👍 https://packaging.python.org/pip_easy_install/ Seems to indicate whats going on btw.

gautamkrishnar commented 7 years ago

Its because of the python bug https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/398

gautamkrishnar commented 7 years ago

@unquietwiki have you checked Pyintsalller It allows us to create stand alone distribution of the app

unquietwiki commented 7 years ago

@Droyk there's nothing for me to give you, unless you're asking for something to package it up as @gautamkrishnar is suggesting. I just use it on my machine via the easy_install method.

botheredbybees commented 7 years ago

When I tried running musicrepair after using the pip install I was getting error message:

failed to create process.

It turned out that pip was omitting the quotes around the path to python. To fix I edited the musicrepair-script.py file to add the quotes: from: #!C:\Program Files (x86)\Python_343\python.exe to: #!"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python_343\python.exe"