kalbhor / thirsty

Reminds you to drink water - on your terminal.
MIT License
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oh-my-zsh #3

Open flip111 opened 7 years ago

flip111 commented 7 years ago

this looks nice, any idea how to integrate it with https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh ?

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

I use oh-my-zsh too. Just follow the instructions in the readme by adding the script in the current theme you're using. Generally the themes are stored at : ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes, if you're using a custom theme, then it might be stored at ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/themes. For example, if you're using the agnoster theme, simply add the script in ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/agnoster.zsh-theme, then look for PROMPT in the theme and make sure the drink_water function is called in it too.

lfkeitel commented 7 years ago

I wonder if there's an easier way to do it perhaps using it as a plugin. I'll have to look at the docs.

kalbhor commented 7 years ago

Since the script makes changes in the PROMPT, will it be possible for a plugin to append to the PROMPT (which is essentially modified by the theme), rather than overriding the theme?

lfkeitel commented 7 years ago

Possibly not. The way git prompt works in the themes basically assume git exists and call the git prompt function and add it to the prompt. Simply appending to the prompt won't work because it has to be called on every update and it needs to be in a specific place in the prompt. For example, my theme is two lines and the second line is an arrow. If it were just appended it would look weird. Perhaps using a custom theme is the best/only way to do it. I'll keep looking.

gretzky commented 7 years ago

I'm using it with zsh but not oh-my-zsh, I'm using antigen and prompt pure- so naturally when adding thirsty.sh it overrides prompt pure. I'm going to see if I can rig it up to work as a zsh and/or antigen plugin of some kind. I'll open a pull req if successful