kaleidawave / ezno

A JavaScript compiler and TypeScript checker written in Rust with a focus on static analysis and runtime performance
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Improve fuzzing tests #109

Closed kaleidawave closed 4 months ago

kaleidawave commented 5 months ago

The fuzzing of the parser is really good 🎉 some of the errors found in the parser so far:

However the fuzzing tests are still not passing. They are only really picking up extreme edge cases now , so it isn't urgent. I am hoping the fixes are near the end. But I was wondering if there could be some improvements:

Pinging @addisoncrump & @jasikpark the fuzzing experts

addisoncrump commented 5 months ago

experts is strong :wink:

  1. parse -> render -> parse: Is the concern about the clarity of output? This can be adjusted quite easily, but what that is saying is that the input is parse-able, but the rendered output is not.
  2. Picking up more errors is possible, but potentially not desirable. You may have multiple outputs which represent different bugs (or potentially a linear combination of bugs!). The relevant CLI is: cargo fuzz run ... -- -fork=1 -ignore_crashes=1
  3. They should probably be fixed, yes :joy: Random breakages are never fun for CI.
kaleidawave commented 5 months ago

Awesome, I will look into that and try those out in a new PR. Do the fuzzing tests use libFuzzer and is that where the options are documented? https://llvm.org/docs/LibFuzzer.html#options

kaleidawave commented 5 months ago

Ah exactly what I wanted! More cases printed 🎉: https://github.com/kaleidawave/ezno/actions/runs/7713102547/job/21022255510 good for fixing the current issues. Once green then can go back to short-circuited version.

addisoncrump commented 5 months ago

If you want to be a bit experimental: try the following replacement in fuzz/Cargo.toml:

diff --git a/parser/fuzz/Cargo.toml b/parser/fuzz/Cargo.toml
index 2abb8b9..7caea01 100644
--- a/parser/fuzz/Cargo.toml
+++ b/parser/fuzz/Cargo.toml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ boa_ast = { git = "https://github.com/boa-dev/boa.git", features = [
 boa_interner = { git = "https://github.com/boa-dev/boa.git", features = [
 ] }
-libfuzzer-sys = "0.4"
+libfuzzer-sys = { git = "https://github.com/AFLplusplus/LibAFL.git", branch = "libfuzzer-best", package = "libafl_libfuzzer" }
 pretty_assertions = "1.3.0"
 proc-macro2 = "1.0.66"

This uses the libafl_libfuzzer which we have since stabilised. It'll spit out some maybe undesirable backtraces, but it finds things way faster than libfuzzer.

kaleidawave commented 4 months ago

Is it a bug that ==2546933== ERROR: libFuzzer: deadly signal are printed but they do not print at the end?


Also what does each part of this tracing line mean?

#2202576: cov: 7616 ft: 29739 corp: 7037 exec/s 4639 oom/timeout/crash: 0/0/2 time: 496s job: 31 dft_time: 0

Does one of these numbers display how many fuzzing runs it has completed?

addisoncrump commented 4 months ago

Huh, curiously, it seems that forking mode output doesn't have any documentation. Let me explain this piecewise.

The ==2546933== ERROR: libFuzzer: deadly signal indicate that the fuzzer found an input which triggered a "deadly" signal (e.g. a SIGABRT or SIGSEGV). This just means that the fuzzer is doing it's job -- not a bug.

Let's break apart the line you asked about:

kaleidawave commented 4 months ago

Nice! so job: 31 means it is currently running 31 in parallel?

The ==2546933== ERROR: libFuzzer: deadly signal indicate that the fuzzer found an input which triggered a "deadly" signal (e.g. a SIGABRT or SIGSEGV). This just means that the fuzzer is doing it's job -- not a bug.

That is what I thought. Do you know why they are not logged at the end of the test then? (it is under the -fork=1 -ignore_crashes=1 mode for 10 minutes btw) https://github.com/kaleidawave/ezno/actions/runs/7989637543/job/21816634859

addisoncrump commented 4 months ago

Nice! so job: 31 means it is currently running 31 in parallel?

No, it means that it's launched 31 individual instances. You only ever have one running at a time, but libfuzzer may stop "jobs" and start new ones if e.g. there is persistent memory detected, if the job crashes, or for other mysterious internal reasons.

addisoncrump commented 4 months ago

It seems that cargo-fuzz only emits crash data if the command is not deemed successful; with max_total_time, the exit code is zero, so it's marked successful. Let me see if I have a workaround for this.

addisoncrump commented 4 months ago

Sadly no easy way around it, and it seems that the exit code is determined by the exit code of the last exited job -- which may or may not be 0.

However, you can add the following POSIX-compatible snippet to the end of your test to just dump the output:

if test -d fuzz/artifacts; then find fuzz/artifacts -type f -print -exec xxd {} \; -exec cargo fuzz fmt -s none module_roundtrip_structured {} \;; false; fi
kaleidawave commented 4 months ago

Ah I think I understand 👍 will try that in the future. That probably explains my confusion when I wondered why running for 10 minutes (with -fork=1 -ignore_crashes=1) was green, but it is was red when I put it back to short-circuiting and running for 2 minutes.