kaleidos / grails-postgresql-extensions

Grails plugin to use postgresql native elements such as arrays, hstores,...
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Additional criteria query options for JSON data types #56

Closed bobbywarner closed 7 years ago

bobbywarner commented 9 years ago

It would be great to be able to use additional criteria query options. Most notably, ilike, to check for similar JSON values as opposed to just equals which is provided today.

ilopmar commented 9 years ago

Hi Bobby,

which of these operators do you think we should implement? http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/functions-json.html

Sabst commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm unsure whether a new operator is required but here is an example of what I would like to express using criteria: select data from TestMapJson WHERE data->>'name' ILIKE '%iv%'; (inspired from PgJsonEqualsIntegration test)

I tried the obvious: ilike "data->>'name'", "%iv%" But this fails.

Is there a way to do this now ? (I'm using 4.6.1... still stuck with Grails 2.x)

ilopmar commented 8 years ago

I don't know if this should work or not but maybe we need to create a new operator to do that, something like pgIlike "data-->'name', "%iv%"

Sabst commented 8 years ago

Ok, so no good surprise then. Rather than having each time a new pg operator, do you see a more flexible way to handle this? Like using an advanced version of the current pgJsonHasFieldValue (with the operator provided as an argument)? Just wondering...

Now the immediate workaround is to bypass the plugin API... do you see a way to do this using criteria or do you think I have to turn the query into a SELECT? What about defining my own operator outside of the pg-extensions plugin?

Thank you for your help.

Sabst commented 8 years ago

I added a pgJson criterion with the sql operator as an argument. E.g. pgJson 'data', 'name', 'ilike', '%iv%' The following will probably be clearer. Am I missing anything? You already prepared everything for such a feature!

package net.kaleidos.hibernate.json

import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
import test.json.TestMapJson

class PgJsonIntegrationSpec extends Specification {

    def pgJsonTestSearchService

    void 'Test equals finding value: #value with condition is ilike'() {
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iván', lastName: 'López']).save(flush: true)
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Alonso', lastName: 'Torres']).save(flush: true)
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iván', lastName: 'Pérez']).save(flush: true)

        def result = pgJsonTestSearchService.search('pgJson', 'data', 'name', value, 'ilike')

            result.size() == size
            result.every { it.data.name.matches "^(?i)${value.replace('%', '.*')}\$" }

            value  || size
            '%iv%' || 2
            'John' || 0

    void 'Test equals finding value: #value with condition equals'() {
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iván', lastName: 'López']).save(flush: true)
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Alonso', lastName: 'Torres']).save(flush: true)
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iván', lastName: 'Pérez']).save(flush: true)

        def result = pgJsonTestSearchService.search('pgJson', 'data', 'name', value, '=')

            result.size() == size
            result.every { it.data.name == value }

            value  || size
            'Iván' || 2
            'John' || 0

    void 'Test equals finding value: #value with condition does not equal'() {
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iván', lastName: 'López']).save(flush: true)
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Alonso', lastName: 'Torres']).save(flush: true)
            new TestMapJson(data: [name: 'Iván', lastName: 'Pérez']).save(flush: true)

        def result = pgJsonTestSearchService.search('pgJson', 'data', 'name', value, '<>')

            result.size() == size
            result.every { it.data.name != value }

            value  || size
            'Iván' || 1
            'John' || 3

ilopmar commented 8 years ago

This looks good! If everything is working and you have tests please submit a PR.

I think in a couple of weeks I'll have some spare time. There are some PRs pending that I need to review and merge and I'm delaying this too much. Sorry about this.

Thanks for your contribution.

Sabst commented 8 years ago

Not really ready for a PR but I will consider it. More step-back will be required to allow more PG Json/Jsonb/... options. Ideally the plugin should provide access to all those great PG features!

ilopmar commented 7 years ago

PR #95 has been merged and ported also to Grails 3. I've released versions 4.6.2 for Grails 2 and 4.6.8 for Grails 3 with this new json criteria.

Closing this issue.