kaleidos / grails-postgresql-extensions

Grails plugin to use postgresql native elements such as arrays, hstores,...
Apache License 2.0
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[Enhancement] Serialize Enum arrays to Integer arrays #9

Closed mattfeury closed 11 years ago

mattfeury commented 11 years ago


in my grails app, it's very common for me to make an Enum for a domain field. GORM will serialize the Enum to its integer value/ordinal when updating the db. It will also automagically convert it to the proper Enum on deserializing (when retrieving from the db). What I do often looks like:

class User {
    static enum Role {

        private final int value
        Role(int value)  { this.value = value }
        // additional enum helpers, like value() and withId(id)

    Role Role
    String contents

what I'd like to do is to be able to use an array of enums, e.g. make the above example Role[] roles. I'd like the functionality to remain the same: serialize and deserialize to/from an integer for the db, so I think we could re-use a lot of the code from IntegerArrayType.

I managed to get the code to serialize properly by hacking the IntegerArrayType's "nullSafeSet" to look like this:

public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
    if (value == null) {
        st.setNull(index, Types.ARRAY);
    } else {
        Array array;
        Integer[] converted;
        try {
            converted = (Integer[])value;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Object[] o = (Object[])value;
            Integer[] ints = new Integer[o.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
                ints[i] = ((Enum)o[i]).ordinal();
            converted = ints;

        array = st.getConnection().createArrayOf("int", converted);
        st.setArray(index, array);

(the code is not pretty or optimized. i was just impressed it was working).

however, i can't get the deserialization to happen. When I retrieve an item from the DB, I get a IllegalArgumentException occurred while calling setter for the field. I'm sure I have to do something in nullSafeGet, but I'm not sure what. Looking for any advice. If I figure something out, I'll make a pull request with ideally a new AbstractArrayType.

mattfeury commented 11 years ago

Think I've got something figured out that'll work here. Will make a Pull Request in the coming days to see if you think it could be included here

mattfeury commented 11 years ago

Code has been submitted for this in #10. Closing here