Here's a (long) example from a protocol I just did:
14. Setup 96 PCR reactions:
- Use the following combinations of reagents:
template DNA forward primer reverse primer
sz224, SuperScript IV, +RT s1 s2
sz224, SuperScript IV, +RT s3 s5
sz224, SuperScript IV, −RT s1 s2
sz224, SuperScript IV, −RT s3 s5
sz228, SuperScript IV, +RT s1 s2
sz228, SuperScript IV, +RT s3 s5
sz228, SuperScript IV, −RT s1 s2
sz228, SuperScript IV, −RT s3 s5
sz224, SuperScript IV VILO, +RT s1 s2
sz224, SuperScript IV VILO, +RT s3 s5
sz224, SuperScript IV VILO, −RT s1 s2
sz224, SuperScript IV VILO, −RT s3 s5
sz228, SuperScript IV VILO, +RT s1 s2
sz228, SuperScript IV VILO, +RT s3 s5
sz228, SuperScript IV VILO, −RT s1 s2
sz228, SuperScript IV VILO, −RT s3 s5
sz224, ProtoScript II, +RT s1 s2
sz224, ProtoScript II, +RT s3 s5
sz224, ProtoScript II, −RT s1 s2
sz224, ProtoScript II, −RT s3 s5
sz228, ProtoScript II, +RT s1 s2
sz228, ProtoScript II, +RT s3 s5
sz228, ProtoScript II, −RT s1 s2
sz228, ProtoScript II, −RT s3 s5
sz224, AMV, +RT s1 s2
sz224, AMV, +RT s3 s5
sz224, AMV, −RT s1 s2
sz224, AMV, −RT s3 s5
sz228, AMV, +RT s1 s2
sz228, AMV, +RT s3 s5
sz228, AMV, −RT s1 s2
sz228, AMV, −RT s3 s5
- Make 2 primer mixes:
Reagent Stock Volume ≈173.7x
forward primer 100 µM 0.05 µL 7.82 µL
reverse primer 100 µM 0.05 µL 7.82 µL
0.09 µL 15.63 µL
- Make polymerase mix:
Reagent Stock Volume ≈137.7x
water 8.01 µL 1102.75 µL
Luna master mix 2x 9.00 µL 1239.04 µL
17.01 µL 2.34 mL
- Make 2 master mixes:
Reagent Volume ≈62.6x
primer mix 0.09 µL 5.63 µL
polymerase mix 17.01 µL 1064.45 µL
17.10 µL 1070.08 µL
- Setup the reactions:
Reagent Stock Volume ≈3.6x
master mix 17.10 µL 60.80 µL
template DNA <100 ng/µL 0.90 µL 3.20 µL
18.00 µL 64.00 µL
- Split into 3 identical 18.00 µL reactions.
- Use any extra master mix as a negative control.
I'm going to setup 96/3 = 32 master mix + DNA reactions, but the protocol doesn't say this. With no replicates this makes sense, because the information would be redundant, but with replicates it's not. And even without replicates, being redundant may be useful for long protocols like this one...
Here's a (long) example from a protocol I just did:
I'm going to setup 96/3 = 32 master mix + DNA reactions, but the protocol doesn't say this. With no replicates this makes sense, because the information would be redundant, but with replicates it's not. And even without replicates, being redundant may be useful for long protocols like this one...