kalenkovich / reproducible-MEEG

Code that attempts to reproduce "A Reproducible MEG/EEG Group Study With the MNE Software" by Jas et al., 2018
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how to delete files after chaning names #1

Open kalenkovich opened 3 years ago

kalenkovich commented 3 years ago

I just figured out that we need to run linear filtering both with l_freq=None (for later use) and l_freq=1 (ICA only). I'll, therefore, rename our *_filtered.fif files to *_filteredHighPassNone.fif and add *_filteredHighPass1.fif*. The problem is that once I re-run Snakemake we will have all three kinds of files. This is a common enough problem that we should mention somewhere, maybe in a "common problems" appendix.

*I know these name suck balls but none of those options are BIDS-compliant anyway so we can come up with something better when we start BIDSifying our derivative files