kalepail / stellar-quest-bounties

Stellar Quest Bounties is an extension of the traditional, series based Stellar Quest challenges allowing seasoned and passionate Stellar Questers to continue their journey of education and earning during the "lean times" between Stellar Quest series.
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Open for Discussion: Payouts in Claimable Balances vs. Direct Payments #163

Closed ElliotFriend closed 2 years ago

ElliotFriend commented 2 years ago

So far, all payouts have been made using direct payment operations to the addresses provided in ADDRESSES.yml. However, our README notes that payments will be in the form of claimable balances.

Is there a "right" or "wrong" way to implement that? Which is the preferred option for our use-case?

If direct payments are the way to go, here's a quick change that could clarify it for hunters/reviewers.

Signed-off-by: Elliot J. Voris elliot@voris.me

ElliotFriend commented 2 years ago

Ok, so it was perhaps premature to say "all payouts" being direct payments. Recent is probably more accurate. Last August, it looks like we used CBs for them?


silence48 commented 2 years ago

I think direct payments are fine since the rewards are in native, and no trust lines are required, however if we stick with direct we should update that note in readme... (which is what your pr does so ya I think it's good)

ElliotFriend commented 2 years ago

Cool. Thanks for looking that over for me. The CBs made much more sense when we were thinking of custom assets, but since we're using xlm, I agree.
