kalilistic / PlayerTrack

Keep track of players you meet.
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Unable to restore from backups #121

Closed OmegaJackie closed 11 months ago

OmegaJackie commented 11 months ago

Upon launching PlayerTrack, it initiated a restore from the DB but I was shown an error when trying to pull my old data

PlayerTrack Migration Error Log Failed to migrate players. Failed on: _id = 106985 Key = "XAN'A_THUM_91" LodestoneId = {"$numberLong":"0"} LodestoneStatus = 0 LodestoneLastUpdated = {"$numberLong":"0"} LodestoneFailureCount = 0 Names = ["Xan'a Thum"] HomeWorlds = [{"Key":{"$numberLong":"91"},"Value":"Balmung"}] Title = "" FreeCompany = "Rats" LastTerritoryType = 130 VisibilityType = 0 OverrideFCNameColor = false Customize = {"$binary":"BAABZAgEBYANKayXGQEBKYACAYC0NQgADIX//w=="} CustomizeHistory = null Created = {"$numberLong":"1696240970218"} Updated = {"$numberLong":"1696240970218"} SeenCount = 1 Icon = 0 ListColor = null NamePlateColor = null Notes = "" IsAlertEnabled = false SendNextAlert = {"$numberLong":"1696255370269"} CategoryId = 1 Tags = []

Failed to insert batch players. at PlayerTrack.Migration.LiteDBMigrator.MigratePlayers() in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Plugin/Migration/LiteDBMigrator.cs:line 955 Migration failed. Failed to migrate players. at PlayerTrack.Migration.LiteDBMigrator.MigratePlayers() in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Plugin/Migration/LiteDBMigrator.cs:line 1015 at PlayerTrack.Migration.LiteDBMigrator.Run() in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Plugin/Migration/LiteDBMigrator.cs:line 86

kalilistic commented 11 months ago

Thank you, I have one other report on this. Quick question - what is your db size?

OmegaJackie commented 11 months ago

They are 50MB image

kalilistic commented 11 months ago

I compared the samples but I'm not seeing a trend yet. I adjusted the player migration code and added some logging. I've submitted this and should hopefully be merged soon. https://github.com/goatcorp/DalamudPluginsD17/pull/2611

Once this is available, can you try again? I believe the error might still happen but I'm hoping you'll get a more specific error message. There are instructions here to migrate fresh. https://github.com/kalilistic/PlayerTrack/wiki/How-to-restore-V2-Database

kalilistic commented 11 months ago

The update got approved, should be available now.

OmegaJackie commented 11 months ago

I went ahead and followed the instructions and I got an almost identical error

PlayerTrack Migration Error Log Failed to migrate players. Failed on: _id = 106985 Key = "XAN'A_THUM_91" LodestoneId = {"$numberLong":"0"} LodestoneStatus = 0 LodestoneLastUpdated = {"$numberLong":"0"} LodestoneFailureCount = 0 Names = ["Xan'a Thum"] HomeWorlds = [{"Key":{"$numberLong":"91"},"Value":"Balmung"}] Title = "" FreeCompany = "Rats" LastTerritoryType = 130 VisibilityType = 0 OverrideFCNameColor = false Customize = {"$binary":"BAABZAgEBYANKayXGQEBKYACAYC0NQgADIX//w=="} CustomizeHistory = null Created = {"$numberLong":"1696240970218"} Updated = {"$numberLong":"1696240970218"} SeenCount = 1 Icon = 0 ListColor = null NamePlateColor = null Notes = "" IsAlertEnabled = false SendNextAlert = {"$numberLong":"1696255370269"} CategoryId = 1 Tags = []

Failed to insert batch player categories. at PlayerTrack.Migration.LiteDBMigrator.MigratePlayers() in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Plugin/Migration/LiteDBMigrator.cs:line 977 Migration failed. Failed to migrate players. at PlayerTrack.Migration.LiteDBMigrator.MigratePlayers() in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Plugin/Migration/LiteDBMigrator.cs:line 1023 at PlayerTrack.Migration.LiteDBMigrator.Run() in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Plugin/Migration/LiteDBMigrator.cs:line 86

OmegaJackie commented 11 months ago

Upon a secondary restart, I was successfully able to restore my backup. appreciate the help.

kalilistic commented 11 months ago

Glad to hear it. Did you see any additional errors in the log itself around that time? The log is %appdata%\XIVLauncher\dalamud.log

OmegaJackie commented 11 months ago

Not from what I can see, though the log fille is consistently crashing

kalilistic commented 11 months ago

Thanks for checking. In case anyone else comes across this, I'm adding an update to allow it to fail up to 10 individual players before it marks the migration as failed. The players that do fail will show up as warnings in the migration log.