kalilistic / PlayerTrack

Keep track of players you meet.
MIT License
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Error at main menu screen `System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException` #142

Closed thakyZ closed 8 months ago

thakyZ commented 8 months ago

I keep getting an error while at the main menu screen that reads as follows:

2023-12-18 15:19:30.106 -08:00 [ERR] [PlayerTrack] Failed to process lodestone requests.
System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key '0' was not present in the dictionary.
   at PlayerTrack.Domain.LodestoneService.ProcessRequests(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) in /work/repo/PlayerTrack.Domain/Services/LodestoneService.cs:line 92

I know how to prevent this, and I will make a pull request.