kalisio / kano

Map and weather forecast data explorer in 2D/3D
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WMS-time layers does not work #27

Closed claustres closed 3 years ago

claustres commented 5 years ago

It seems the time passed to the WMS request is not one of the available times of the layer.

Since in mapproxy our layers have not the queryable flag the time dimension plugin cannot retrieve the available times (see https://github.com/socib/Leaflet.TimeDimension/issues/139). Moreover it does not seem the capabilities of the mapproxy reflect the ones of Meteo France, which provides the available time list.

See eg https://mapproxy.irsn.kalisio.xyz/service?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.3.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities vs https://geoservices.meteofrance.fr/api/token/MF-NWP-GLOBAL-ARPEGE-05-GLOBE-WMS?service=WMS&request=GetCapabilities.

claustres commented 5 years ago

For now we manually set the available times in the layer to be the ones of the timeline rounded to hours. This raises different problems:

claustres commented 3 years ago

Now managed in a different way, reopen if required.