kalismeras61 / flutter_page_transition

This is Flutter Page Transition Package
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Bug when route appears with bottomToTop animation #34

Closed valentinoguerra closed 2 years ago

valentinoguerra commented 3 years ago

There is screen A, B and C. Starting in A, navigate to B and the animation will show up (rightToLeftWithFade). Then from B, navigate to C (bottomToTop) and you'll see the bug. The B screen moves to left instead of just staying there. I am sure that shouldn't happen.

     case homeRoute:
        HomeScreenArgs args = settings.arguments;
        return PageTransition(
          type: PageTransitionType.rightToLeftWithFade,
          child: HomeScreen(args: args),
          settings: settings,
      case partnerProfileRoute:
        String partnerId = settings.arguments;
        return PageTransition(
          type: PageTransitionType.rightToLeftWithFade,
          child: PartnerProfileScreen(partnerId),
          settings: settings,

      case bookingRequestRoute:
        return PageTransition(
          type: PageTransitionType.bottomToTop,
          child: BookingRequestScreen(settings.arguments),
          settings: settings,

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