kalkih / mini-graph-card

Minimalistic graph card for Home Assistant Lovelace UI
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Mini graph cards loading empty #974

Closed L0bit0 closed 1 year ago

L0bit0 commented 1 year ago


since arround one week ago I use to get all my cards using mini graph empty: image and should show something like this: image

As soon I restart home assistant it works again for some hours.

More info:

Any idea?

thanks in advance
ildar170975 commented 1 year ago
  1. Place a conventional history-graph nearby and check if it happens to this graph too.
  2. Clear browser's cache.
  3. Check with hours_to_show: 8.
L0bit0 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the response

My comments: Place a conventional history-graph nearby and check if it happens to this graph too. as soon I can reproduce the issue will do that and le you know Clear browser's cache. whenever i have the issue i checked on other devices (cell phone or tablet) and it also happens (on Home Assistant App), so I do not think local cache is Check with hours_to_show: 8. it is failing also with small hours slot, as soon it fails all minigraph fails... i give you an example bot a lot more are failing to me


L0bit0 commented 1 year ago

I found something interesting...

I was able to reproduce the issue. @ildar170975 As you suggested, i tried to create a conventional history, and got this: image

I cheked and i get this errors on the logs: image And this error on the detail:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:207
First occurred: 3:07:37 AM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:07:48 AM

Setup failed for logbook: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: recorder')
Setup failed for history: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: recorder')
Setup failed for energy: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: history, recorder')
Setup failed for default_config: (DependencyError(...), 'Could not setup dependencies: energy, history, logbook')

I checked my yaml config files and looks ok, syntax is also ok. I confirmed and Maria DB and Influx db are ok.

I also have Grafana, and I can properly see data with it, so data is being recorder on DB.

As soon I restart home assistant, it starts to work again: image

Any idea?


ildar170975 commented 1 year ago

You had issues with Recorder. That is why conventional history-graph did not work (not to mention mini-graph-card). As you said it was somehow fixed after HA reboot.

In your shoes I would keep monitoring & report in HA core github a bug. I myself had issues with history-graph, all of them registered in Github (core, frontend)... Since nothing was commented in these issues from Dev team - there is a big probability that it may emerge any day.

Meanwhile consider closing THIS issue (has nothing with mini-graph-card).

L0bit0 commented 1 year ago


Yes you are right main issue looks on Home assistant, but based on the log, not only recorder is failing, also energy, logbook, default config...

I investigate a little bit, but similar cases I have found are always related with yaml files, and mine looks ok (or I should always had the issue.)

@ildar170975 do you still have any of your bugs opened? i could add my case there and see if we can push a bit.

I will create mine anyway and let's see...


ildar170975 commented 1 year ago

do you still have any of your bugs opened?

Sure, here some of them: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/83558 https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/13195