kaltura / all-in-one-video-pack.wordpress

A Wordpress Plugin to simplify adding Kaltura to your Blog
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Need more information on settings.ini file #7

Open ArcAIN6 opened 11 years ago

ArcAIN6 commented 11 years ago

Seems someone derped up and hard-coded the settings.ini file with urls, and ID's that aren't compatable with Kaltura CE 6.2.0

What we need is:

1) Re-Write the FAQ and installation section on the wordpress plugin page explaining what setting is what, and where to get the information within kaltura.

2) Within the plugin download, add a README file that details this same information, show us where the ID numbers are coming from.

kcw_ui_conf_id_admin = 1002225 <--- Where did this number come from? 
kcw_ui_conf_comments = 1002225 <--- Where did this number come from?
thumbnail_player_ui_conf_id = 14969192<--- Where did this number come from?
kaltura_comments_player_type = 11958362; default player if comments player was not chosen in plugin admin screen <--- Where did this number come from?
kaltura_default_player_type = 11958362; default player if player was not chosen in plugin admin screen <--- Where did this number come from?

default_players[] = 11958362; <--- Where did this number come from?
default_players[] = 11958342; <--- Where did this number come from?

This is important information to pass along to those users who host their own / are hosted somewhere where kaltura is hosted for them.

skynet commented 10 years ago

Would be interested to see an update on this. Thank you!

rkreich commented 10 years ago

CE6 was release before the latest version of the wordpress plugin, therefore those uiconf ids were not included. Unfortunately the WordPress plugin doesn't have an automatic deployment of uiconf files and we need to rely on hardcoded ids shared between CE/OnPrem and Kaltura saas.

All uiconfs can be grabbed from Kaltura saas, if anyone can invest the time then a simple script can be written in order to copy those uiconfs from Kaltura saas to a CE installation.

The process can be done manually by the following steps:

  1. Kaltura saas trial account is required
  2. Open the tesme console http://www.kaltura.com/api_v3/testme/
  3. Select service session, action startWidgetSession
  4. Type the 'widgetId' as "_{partner-id}". If your account/partner id is 123 then type _123
  5. Copy the created session to the KS field
  6. Select service uiConf, action get
  7. Use each uiconf id from settings.ini in order to get it's content and configurations
skynet commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the update!

ArcAIN6 commented 9 years ago

wait what? i just tried to update the plugin again to see if they've fixed it, and still can't get it to work... the install instructions on the wordpress plugin site say absolutely nothing about the settings file, and what you wrote above makes absolutely NO sense to me..

If i understand what you're saying, i need to create an an account with their hosted solution, so that i can manually scrape ID's to use to fix their plugin that uses hard coded ID's rather than creating settings fields so the user can input them in the plugins page..

Seems to me that Kaltura is going far far far out of their way to make the CE version, and plugins and everything so difficult to use that people pay for their hosted version.. i'll pass.

I guess it's time i start looking for something else, as this is getting so far beyond reasonable effort. I mean.. Honestly?? 2 years and still can't figure out how to add options to the WP database for these ID's, nor present intelligible documentation on where the settings come from, how to set them etc..

It feels as though they intentionally gimp their open-source versions just to force people away, or to the payed hosted alternatives.

skynet commented 9 years ago

@ArcAIN6 this is the curse of Open Source when not being backed-up by genuine efforts. There are companies that just mimic Open Source, for business reason. They hardly maintain and support the CE version, with the simple purpose of funneling more customers toward the paid version. One other good example of such company is SugarCRM.

ArcAIN6 commented 9 years ago


rkreich commented 9 years ago

Latest Kaltura Server can be installed as an RPM package, see here https://github.com/kaltura/platform-install-packages Things have changed a lot during that last 2 years. The uiconfs required by WP are there (https://github.com/kaltura/server/blob/Jupiter-10.13.0/deployment/base/scripts/init_data/03.uiConf.ini) so the plugin should work with latest server version.

ArcAIN6 commented 9 years ago

that's interesting rkreich, but doesn't solve the issue at all. the fact that important setting are intentionally being hard coded, and not documented is the cause for the plethora of issues people have with not just the WP plugin, but the entire project. Add on top of that the incessant over-branding of everything from the players, to embedding scripts, the entire non-payed project simply hijacks everything to promote kaltura, assuming a user is willing to wade through the massive outdated, and innefectually designed "forums" for support.

As with most open source projects, documentation is expected to be a little lacking, but kaltura takes the cake on being vague, incoherent, and missing huge swaths of information that means the difference between functional, and actually usable.

Now while i haven't updated to jupiter yet (mainly due to the fact that in-place software limits me to 32bit) i've already seen that these problems with documentaiton, and hard-coded settings hasn't been addressed at all.

rkreich commented 9 years ago

settings.ini is a configuration file. You can't call this "hard-coding". Trust me, no one tried to intentionally make things unusable. The WordPress plugin was developed 6 years ago, and was mostly on maintenance state due to low demand.

You said that this doesn't resolve the issue, why not? It should work with latest server version installed using RPM.

I agree about the lack of documentation, but if you are using Kaltura, why not help the community and submit documentations by yourself?

Adding @zoharbabin