kaltura / moodle_plugin

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DB call in local/kaltura/version.php causes clean installations to fail #378

Open liamgm opened 1 year ago

liamgm commented 1 year ago

In line 36 of local/kaltura/version.php, a SQL call is made on the prefix_config_plugins table. When making a new installation of Moodle that includes the kaltura plugin code, that table will not exist and so the line raises an exception. The db call should be made in an exception handling block or a test made to verify the table exists, otherwise set that variable to empty string or False.

thepurpleblob commented 1 year ago

A "me too".

Just to be clear - if you have local_kaltura in your code base then Moodle will NOT install at all.

Exactly as above. You cannot have logic of any kind in the version.php file. The database calls in particular fail on a new site.

bobopinna commented 1 year ago

version.php shall not contains any other things that plugin object definition.

The code from line 34 is a patch for some previous bad version numbering, that is not needed for new installation. I hope that plugin maintainers move that code out from version.php in a place that run it just once not everytime.

A workaround for new installation is to comment all the code (/ ... /) from line 34 till the end of file.


lucaboesch commented 1 year ago

I was asked to open a ticket in support.kaltura.com

This is

Case Number 00444113

davidscotson commented 1 month ago

The commit ILMS-547 https://github.com/kaltura/moodle_plugin/commit/95d5dbe7f1a5e958b530bdc8852ab19ed69fe42e appears to fix this, though it still appears to be doing stuff in version.php that probably should be located in db/upgrade.php so that it only gets run once on when the plugin is upgraded.

davidscotson commented 1 month ago

Also, sightly older duplicate ticket is here: https://github.com/kaltura/moodle_plugin/issues/357