kaltura / mwEmbed

Kaltura's Cross Platform Video Player ToolKit
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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iPad issues with Kaltura HTML5 player #981

Open desingraj opened 10 years ago

desingraj commented 10 years ago


I am using the html5 library version 2.4.1 as of now, and I am having problem in iPad playback.

Everything works fine in PC's and other flash enabled devices. In iPad I am getting error while playing the video. 0a7761f2-38cf-11e4-8177-747784202fb9

Can anyone experienced this or any suggestions to outcome from this problem?

itaykinnrot commented 10 years ago

can you add a link?

desingraj commented 10 years ago

I don't have a link and not having access to the portals.

Please get the html from the following link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/yjlv6hggq6bc9f5/issue.html?dl=0

itaykinnrot commented 10 years ago

From what i saw - the player is trying to get HLS manifest that looks like not configured right: https://d2jtqpvtg13w20.cloudfront.net/mediacache/_definst_/mp4:kalturanew/content/entry/data/0/1/0_2xf9s1qe_0_hgqd1r22_1.mp4/playlist.m3u8

getting 404 on it.

if you want you can disable the HLS from IOS devices by setting this flag to false: mw.setConfig('Kaltura.UseAppleAdaptive',false)

desingraj commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the assistance. This is the problem, Yes the flavor is not available there...

I have a query here that the same HLS streaming is not getting any problem in flash.

Can you please tell me how it would be possible to rectify this problem?

itaykinnrot commented 10 years ago

Are you sure you're playing HLS on flash?

desingraj commented 10 years ago

Yes I am sure.

Please take a look at the following file, which plays well in flash and not able to play in iPad.


Also, the current HLS playback is not switching the flavors even I tried to change the flavors in player or set as a flashvar to play 3000 bitrate. None of them work out.

Can you please provide ideas here on why I am getting this HLS error for some videos in my Kaltura server and not for all entries.