kaltura / platform-install-packages

Official deployment packages to install the Kaltura platform on a server or cluster environments using native OS package managers
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
520 stars 244 forks source link

Live stream #284

Closed JacopoG closed 9 years ago

JacopoG commented 9 years ago

Hi guys, first off, probably this issue should be post on kaltura forum. Unfortunately, I have not been able to login in the forum with a newly created kaltura.org account (i tried with two different accounts). Blank page after successfull login.

Now. I'm trying to configure a live stream on kaltura. And, of course, if I'm here is because I'm not succeeding. I have istalled kaltura following your guide. And currently I'm using wowza as stream server. I followed this guide to setup kaltura-wowza integration.

Theorically, in a working status, what kind of kaltura stream i must create to get the wowza stream in kaltura? I think "Kaltura Live Straming", right? I created a Kaltura Live Streaming giving it the same name as the wowza stream name. It is this correct? Buy the way, when I test the stream, the video player endless loading. How i can debug this? Any suggestions on how to proceed?

Thanks a lot for reading.

P.S. If I create a Manual Live Stream URLs, it works. But i need the functionality of DVR and recording that only Kaltura Live Streaming offers, if I understand correctly.

Kaltura logs. (kaltlog)

]' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:82
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/ui_infra/InfraBootstrapper.php(113): KalturaLog::err('Class [EventNot...')
==> /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_apache_errors.log <==
[Thu Dec 04 09:38:07 2014] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  The language 'it_IT' has to be added before it can be used. in /opt/kaltura/app/vendor/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Translate/Adapter.php on line 322, referer:
[Thu Dec 04 09:38:07 2014] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  No translation for the language 'it' available. in /opt/kaltura/app/vendor/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Translate/Adapter.php on line 335, referer:
[Thu Dec 04 09:42:44 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /opt/kaltura/web/content/docs/NetHelp/settingupthebroadcas.htm, referer: http://kalturace50-1/content/docs/NetHelp/default.htm

2014-12-04 11:30:31 [891366958] [KSchedulerConfig->load] NOTICE: loading configuration /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch at 1417626265
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with message 'Section 'KalturaCE50-1' cannot be found in /opt/kaltura/app/cache//batch/config.ini' in /opt/kaltura/app/vendor/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Config/Ini.php:150
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/batch/scheduler/KSchedulerConfig.class.php(59): Zend_Config_Ini->__construct('/opt/kaltura/ap...', 'KalturaCE50-1', true)
[2014-12-01 10:35:27]/* KalturaCE50-1[1025726223][sphinx_log] */ SELECT sphinx_log.ID, sphinx_log.EXECUTED_SERVER_ID, sphinx_log.OBJECT_TYPE, sphinx_log.OBJECT_ID, sphinx_log.ENTRY_ID, sphinx_log.PARTNER_ID, sphinx_log.DC, sphinx_log.SQL, sphinx_log.CREATED_AT FROM `sphinx_log` WHERE (sphinx_log.ID IS NULL  OR ((sphinx_log.ID>'-355' AND sphinx_log.DC='0') AND sphinx_log.ID NOT IN ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34','35[2014-12-01 10:59:27]exception 'Exception' with message 'Scheduler already running - pid[948]' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:82
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/plugins/sphinx_search/scripts/populateFromLog.php(51): KalturaLog::err('Scheduler alrea...')
#1 {main}
2014-12-04 10:00:02 [1152895317] [updateEntryPlaysViews.php] [global] ERR: exception 'Exception' with message 'Couldn't find entry [0_8oosnrx0]' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:82
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/scripts/dwh/updateEntryPlaysViews.php(19): KalturaLog::err('Couldn't find e...')
#1 {main}
2014-12-04 10:00:02 [1152895317] [updateEntryPlaysViews.php] [global] ERR: exception 'Exception' with message 'Couldn't find entry [0_atn29m4s]' in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:82
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/scripts/dwh/updateEntryPlaysViews.php(19): KalturaLog::err('Couldn't find e...')
2014-12-04 11:31:42 [1013718128] [KSchedulerConfig->load] NOTICE: loading configuration /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch at 1417626265
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught exception 'Zend_Config_Exception' with message 'Section 'KalturaCE50-1' cannot be found in /opt/kaltura/app/cache//batch/config.ini' in /opt/kaltura/app/vendor/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Config/Ini.php:150
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/batch/scheduler/KSchedulerConfig.class.php(59): Zend_Config_Ini->__construct('/opt/kaltura/ap...', 'KalturaCE50-1', true)

Kaltura sanity check fails. (kaltura-sanity.sh)

[Check kaltura-sphinx daemon is started by Monit] [FAILED, RC: 1] - [63.838121658]
[Check kaltura-batch daemon status] [FAILED, RC: 1] - [.037157864]
[Check kaltura-batch daemon is started by Monit] [FAILED, RC: 1] - [62.600423995]
[kaltura_logo_animated_blue.flv - 0_r732wk6h status] [FAILED, RC: 1] - [-.465877975]
[DWH cycle] [FAILED, RC: 255] - [.896925302]
[Generate thumb] [FAILED, RC: 255] - [.185726329]
jessp01 commented 9 years ago


Firstly, what is the username on the forum? I will check.

As to the issue, until the sanity finishes successfully, there is no point continuing so lets focus on that first. Can you re-run the configuration scripts?

rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock

rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config-generator.lock



And paste all output here?

JacopoG commented 9 years ago

Third account created just now. It has the same issue. I deleted the previous two. notsure.jacopo.g@icloud.com

I'll be back when I'm done re-running.

KalturaCommunity-zz commented 9 years ago

Please try now. Our forum system had icloud.com as blacklisted. Thank you,

May the source be with you,

Jess Portnoy

On Thu, 4 Dec 2014, Jacopo wrote:

Third account created just now. It has the same issue. I deleted the previous two. notsure.jacopo.g@icloud.com

I'll be back when I'm done re-running.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.[ACH7Xn0IfdJLRbTHuuoEaT2f0KkK71wFks5nUEMDgaJpZM4DEMp6.gif]

JacopoG commented 9 years ago

Now i can correctly login on forum. Thanks you.

I deleted base-config.lock and base-config-generator.lock.

kaltura-drop-db.sh output

This will drop the following DBs:
kaltura kaltura_sphinx_log kalturadw kalturadw_ds kalturadw_bisources kalturalog
and remove users:
kaltura etl

NOTE: this is not reversible.
It is recommended you also back up the current data using mysqldump before continuing.
You can use /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-export-db.sh to export the data.

Are you absolutely certain you want this? [n/Y]

root DB passwd:
Removing kaltura
Removing kaltura_sphinx_log
Removing kalturadw
Removing kalturadw_ds
Removing kalturadw_bisources
Removing kalturalog

kaltura-config-all.sh output

[root@KalturaCE50-1 kaltura]# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-config-all.sh
Running base config...

Welcome to Kaltura Server 9.19.7 post install setup.

To keep up with the bi-weekly Kaltura releases, and stay up to date with
the latest news, security and bug updates, and connect with the global
Kaltura community - sign up for our regular Kaltura Community updates.
Please enter your email to sign up, or enter NO to pass.


In order to finalize the system configuration, please input the following:

CDN hostname [KalturaCE50-1]:

Apache virtual hostname [KalturaCE50-1]
(Must be accessible from both inside the machine and from any clients / browsers that will use Kaltura):

Vhost port to listen on [80]:
DB port [3306]:
MySQL super user [only for install, default root]:
Analytics DB hostname []:
Analytics DB port [3306]:
Sphinx hostname []:
Secondary Sphinx hostname [leave empty if none]:
Admin user login password (must be minimum 8 chars and include at least one of each: upper-case, lower-case, number and a special character):
Confirm passwd:
Your time zone [see http://php.net/date.timezone], or press enter for [Europe/Rome]:
Your Kaltura install name (this name will show as the From field in emails sent by the system) [Kaltura Video Platform]:
Your website Contact Us URL [http://corp.kaltura.com/company/contact-us]:
Your 'Contact us' phone number [+1 800 871 5224]:

Kaltura install answer file written to /tmp/kaltura_04_12_16_03.ans  -  Please save it!
This answers file can be used to silently-install re-install this machine or deploy other hosts in your cluster.

Generating client libs...
This can take a few minutes to complete, see log at /opt/kaltura/log/generate.php.log.

        Configuration of Kaltura Server 9.19.7 finished successfully!
Running FrontEnd config...

base-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following script:
# rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock
# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-base-config.sh

It is recommended that you do work using HTTPs. Would you like to continue anyway?[N/y]
Which port will this Vhost listen on? [80]

Please select one of the following options [0]:
0. All web interfaces
1. Kaltura Management Console [KMC], Hosted Apps, HTML5 lib and ClipApp
2. KAC - Kaltura Admin Console
Enabling Apache config - apps.conf
Enabling Apache config - var.conf
Enabling Apache config - admin.conf

Kaltura install answer file written to /tmp/kaltura_04_12_16_05.ans  -  Please save it!
This answers file can be used to silently-install re-install this machine or deploy other hosts in your cluster.

Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
                                                           [  OK  ]
Shutting down monit:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
                                                           [  OK  ]
Running Sphinx config...

base-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following script:
# rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock
# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-base-config.sh

Starting monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
                                                           [  OK  ]

                Archving logs to /opt/kaltura/log/log_04_12_14_16_06.tar.gz...
[root@KalturaCE50-1 kaltura]#
KalturaCommunity-zz commented 9 years ago

Seems your install is failing during the Sphinx phase. Sphinx itself does not need the DB unless it is an upgrade from a prev. version. I suspect you might have the file: /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx_schema_update on your disk for some reason which causes Sphinx config to THINK this IS an upgrade. Can you please check? If this is not the case, can you please run:

bash -x /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-sphinx-config.sh

and paste the output? it;ll help us understand what is failing during this stage


May the source be with you,

Jess Portnoy

On Thu, 4 Dec 2014, Jacopo wrote:

Now i can correctly login on forum. Thanks you.

I deleted base-config.lock and base-config-generator.lock.

kaltura-drop-db.sh output

This will drop the following DBs: kaltura kaltura_sphinx_log kalturadw kalturadw_ds kalturadw_bisources kalturalog and remove users: kaltura etl on

NOTE: this is not reversible. It is recommended you also back up the current data using mysqldump before continuing. You can use /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-export-db.sh to export the data.

Are you absolutely certain you want this? [n/Y]

Y root DB passwd: Removing kaltura Removing kaltura_sphinx_log Removing kalturadw Removing kalturadw_ds Removing kalturadw_bisources Removing kalturalog

kaltura-config-all.sh output

[root@KalturaCE50-1 kaltura]# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-config-all.sh Running base config...

kaltura-base-9.19.7-2.noarch Welcome to Kaltura Server 9.19.7 post install setup.

To keep up with the bi-weekly Kaltura releases, and stay up to date with the latest news, security and bug updates, and connect with the global Kaltura community - sign up for our regular Kaltura Community updates. Please enter your email to sign up, or enter NO to pass.

In order to finalize the system configuration, please input the following:

CDN hostname [KalturaCE50-1]:

Apache virtual hostname [KalturaCE50-1](Must be accessible from both inside the machine and from any clients / browsers that will use Kaltura):

Vhost port to listen on [80]: DB port [3306]: MySQL super user [only for install, default root]: Analytics DB hostname []: Analytics DB port [3306]: Sphinx hostname []: Secondary Sphinx hostname [leave empty if none]: Admin user login password (must be minimum 8 chars and include at least one of each: upper-case, lower-case, number and a special character): Confirm passwd: Your time zone [see http://php.net/date.timezone], or press enter for [Europe/Rome]: Your Kaltura install name (this name will show as the From field in emails sent by the system) [Kaltura Video Platform]: Your website Contact Us URL [http://corp.kaltura.com/company/contact-us]: Your 'Contact us' phone number [+1 800 871 5224]:

Kaltura install answer file written to /tmp/kaltura_04_12_16_03.ans - Please save it!

This answers file can be used to silently-install re-install this machine or deploy other hosts in your cluster.

Generating client libs... This can take a few minutes to complete, see log at /opt/kaltura/log/generate.php.log.

    Configuration of Kaltura Server 9.19.7 finished successfully!

Running FrontEnd config...

base-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following scrip t:

rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock


kaltura-front-9.17.0-1.noarch It is recommended that you do work using HTTPs. Would you like to continue anyway?[N/y] y Which port will this Vhost listen on? [80]

Please select one of the following options [0]:

  1. All web interfaces
  2. Kaltura Management Console [KMC], Hosted Apps, HTML5 lib and ClipApp
  3. KAC - Kaltura Admin Console 0 Enabling Apache config - apps.conf Enabling Apache config - var.conf Enabling Apache config - admin.conf

Kaltura install answer file written to /tmp/kaltura_04_12_16_05.ans - Please save it!

This answers file can be used to silently-install re-install this machine or deploy other hosts in your cluster.

Stopping httpd: [ OK ] Starting httpd: httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName [ OK ] Shutting down monit: [ OK ] Starting monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812] [ OK ] Running Sphinx config...

kaltura-sphinx-2.2.1-16.x86_64 base-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following scrip t:

rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock


Starting monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812] [ OK ]

            Archving logs to /opt/kaltura/log/log_04_12_14_16_06.tar.gz...

[root@KalturaCE50-1 kaltura]#

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.[ACH7Xo48eFYrG0pYzBKABKuCLQo2U-L-ks5nUHCQgaJpZM4DEMp6.gif]

JacopoG commented 9 years ago

Yes, I can check, but not before of next week. I will reply when I did it. Jess, thanks a lot for your help.

jessp01 commented 9 years ago

Most welcome. Let me know.

May the source be with you,

Jess Portnoy

-------- Original message -------- From: Jacopo notifications@github.com Date: To: kaltura/platform-install-packages platform-install-packages@noreply.github.com Cc: Jess Portnoy jess.portnoy@kaltura.com Subject: Re: [platform-install-packages] Live stream (#284)

Yes, I can check, but not before of next week. I will reply when I did it. Jess, thanks a lot for your help.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/kaltura/platform-install-packages/issues/284#issuecomment-65717634.

JacopoG commented 9 years ago

/opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx_schema_update That file is not present.

kaltura-sphinx-config.sh output

[root@KalturaCE50-1 kaltura]# bash -x /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
++ dirname /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
+ KALTURA_FUNCTIONS_RC=/opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-functions.rc
+ '[' '!' -r /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-functions.rc ']'
+ . /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-functions.rc
++ RC_FILE=/etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
++ '[' -r /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini ']'
++ . /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
+++ WEB_DIR=/opt/kaltura/web
+++ LOG_DIR=/opt/kaltura/log
+++ APP_DIR=/opt/kaltura/app
+++ BASE_DIR=/opt/kaltura
+++ PHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php
+++ OS_KALTURA_USER=kaltura
+++ MAILTO=kaltura@private.it
+++ ADMIN_CONSOLE_ADMIN_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
+++ DB1_HOST=
+++ DB1_NAME=kaltura
+++ DB1_USER=kaltura
+++ DB1_PASS=private
+++ DWH_PORT=3306
+++ DWH_USER=etl
+++ DWH_PASS=private
+++ SERVICE_URL=http://KalturaCE50-1:80
+++ DB1_PORT=3306
+++ SUPER_USER=root
+++ RED5_HOST=KalturaCE50-1
+++ dirname /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
++ COLORS_RC=/opt/kaltura/bin/colors.sh
++ '[' -r /opt/kaltura/bin/colors.sh ']'
++ . /opt/kaltura/bin/colors.sh
+++ DULL=0
+++ BRIGHT=1
+++ FG_BLACK=30
+++ FG_RED=31
+++ FG_GREEN=32
+++ FG_YELLOW=33
+++ FG_BLUE=34
+++ FG_VIOLET=35
+++ FG_CYAN=36
+++ FG_WHITE=37
+++ FG_NULL=00
+++ BG_BLACK=40
+++ BG_RED=41
+++ BG_GREEN=42
+++ BG_YELLOW=43
+++ BG_BLUE=44
+++ BG_VIOLET=45
+++ BG_CYAN=46
+++ BG_WHITE=47
+++ BG_NULL=00
+++ ETCOLOR_ERROR='\033[1;31m'
+++ ESC='\033'
+++ NORMAL='\033[m'
+++ RESET='\\033[0;37;00m'
+++ BLACK='\033[0;30m'
+++ RED='\033[0;31m'
+++ GREEN='\033[0;32m'
+++ YELLOW='\033[0;33m'
+++ BLUE='\033[0;34m'
+++ VIOLET='\033[0;35m'
+++ CYAN='\033[0;36m'
+++ WHITE='\033[0;37m'
+++ BRIGHT_BLACK='\033[1;30m'
+++ BRIGHT_RED='\033[1;31m'
+++ BRIGHT_GREEN='\033[1;32m'
+++ BRIGHT_YELLOW='\033[1;33m'
+++ BRIGHT_BLUE='\033[1;34m'
+++ BRIGHT_VIOLET='\\033[1;35m'
+++ BRIGHT_CYAN='\033[1;36m'
+++ BRIGHT_WHITE='\033[1;37m'
+++ REV_CYAN='\033[0;47;46m'
+++ REV_RED='\033[0;33; 41m'
+++ JESS='Jess likes this one :)'
++ '[' -r /etc/sysconfig/clock ']'
++ . /etc/sysconfig/clock
+++ ZONE=Europe/Rome
++ '[' -r /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/consent_msgs ']'
++ . /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/consent_msgs
+++ PRE_CONSENT='To improve your Kaltura experience and provide you with the best service, Kaltura would like your consent to collect necessary data and information regarding your installation and use of Kaltura and analyze it to provide an upgraded and more stable platform and services.
This information helps us understand what problems users encounter when using Kaltura, so we can improve the quality, performance, and security of the platform accordingly. To review what information is being collected, please read: http://www.kaltura.org/kaltura-qa-tracking/ .
By allowing Kaltura to collect data about your installation, we may be able provide more effective assistance in the event that you encounter an installation issue.
To allow Kaltura to track and analyze QA and support information, please enter your email. Type NO to disallow:'
+++ POST_CONSENT='Thank you for helping making Kaltura better! To review what information is being collected, please read: http://www.kaltura.org/kaltura-qa-tracking/ .'
++ CONSENT_FILE=/opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc
++ MYSQL_DAEMON=mysqld
++ SPHINX_DAEMON=kaltura-sphinx
++ BATCH_DAEMON=kaltura-batch
++ MEMCACHE_DAEMON=memcached
++ MONIT_DAEMON=kaltura-monit
++ ALL_DAEMONS='httpd kaltura-sphinx kaltura-batch kaltura-monit memcached'
++ POST_INST_MAIL_SUBJECT='Your new Kaltura server is up! and 6 Quick Tips For Smooth Kaltura Maintenance'
++ POST_INST_MAIL_TMPL=/opt/kaltura/app/configurations/post_inst_mail
++ ANALYTICS_SERVER_URI=http://installytics.kaltura.org/report
++ NEWSLETTER_URL=https://agentcontribs.kaltura.org/newsletter_subscribe.php
To keep up with the bi-weekly Kaltura releases, and stay up to date with
the latest news, security and bug updates, and connect with the global
Kaltura community - sign up for our regular Kaltura Community updates.
Please enter your email to sign up, or enter NO to pass.
+ rpm -q kaltura-sphinx
+ '[' -r /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc ']'
+ . /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc
++ CONTACT_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ GET_UPDATES_NEWSLETTER=kaltura@private.it
+ . /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc
++ CONTACT_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ GET_UPDATES_NEWSLETTER=kaltura@private.it
+ '[' -n '' -a -r '' ']'
+ '[' '!' -r /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock ']'
+ echo -e '\033[1;34mbase-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following script:
# rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock
# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-base-config.sh
base-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following script:
# rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock
# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-base-config.sh

+ RC_FILE=/etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
+ '[' '!' -r /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini ']'
+ . /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
++ WEB_DIR=/opt/kaltura/web
++ LOG_DIR=/opt/kaltura/log
++ APP_DIR=/opt/kaltura/app
++ BASE_DIR=/opt/kaltura
++ PHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php
++ OS_KALTURA_USER=kaltura
++ MAILTO=kaltura@private.it
++ ADMIN_CONSOLE_ADMIN_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ DB1_HOST=
++ DB1_NAME=kaltura
++ DB1_USER=kaltura
++ DB1_PASS=private
++ DWH_PORT=3306
++ DWH_USER=etl
++ DWH_PASS=private
++ SERVICE_URL=http://KalturaCE50-1:80
++ DB1_PORT=3306
++ SUPER_USER=root
++ RED5_HOST=KalturaCE50-1
+ '[' -r /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx_schema_update ']'
+ ln -sf /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/logrotate/kaltura_populate /etc/logrotate.d/
+ trap 'my_trap_handler "${LINENO}" ${$?}' ERR
++ basename /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
+ send_install_becon kaltura-sphinx-config.sh Europe/Rome install_start 0
+ trap - ERR
+ '[' -r /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc ']'
+ . /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc
++ CONTACT_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ GET_UPDATES_NEWSLETTER=kaltura@private.it
+ '[' -z 1 -o 1 = 0 ']'
+ ROLE=kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
+ TIMEZONE=Europe/Rome
+ ACTION=install_start
+ ERR_LINE=install_start
+ '[' -n 0 ']'
+ RC_FILE=/etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
+ '[' -r /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini ']'
+ . /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
++ WEB_DIR=/opt/kaltura/web
++ LOG_DIR=/opt/kaltura/log
++ APP_DIR=/opt/kaltura/app
++ BASE_DIR=/opt/kaltura
++ PHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php
++ OS_KALTURA_USER=kaltura
++ MAILTO=kaltura@private.it
++ ADMIN_CONSOLE_ADMIN_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ DB1_HOST=
++ DB1_NAME=kaltura
++ DB1_USER=kaltura
++ DB1_PASS=private
++ DWH_PORT=3306
++ DWH_USER=etl
++ DWH_PASS=private
++ SERVICE_URL=http://KalturaCE50-1:80
++ DB1_PORT=3306
++ SUPER_USER=root
++ RED5_HOST=KalturaCE50-1
+ which dmidecode
+ which blkid
++ blkid
+ UNIQ='/dev/sda1: UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda2: UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc" TYPE="ext4" '
+ '[' -n '/dev/sda1: UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda2: UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc" TYPE="ext4" ' ']'
++ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
++ md5sum
++ echo -n /dev/sda1: 'UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8"' 'TYPE="ext4"' /dev/sda2: 'UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA"' 'TYPE="LVM2_member"' /dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: 'UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc"' 'TYPE="ext4"'
+ MACHINE_ID=1c964cfd69de6c5c7a963bfe80c99f34
++ date +%s
+ EPOCH=1418140682
++ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
++ md5sum
++ echo /dev/sda1: 'UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8"' 'TYPE="ext4"' /dev/sda2: 'UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA"' 'TYPE="LVM2_member"' /dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: 'UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc"' 'TYPE="ext4"' : 1418140682
+ INSTALL_ID=8d0f48b284d886b9329c87d1f80e6f81
+ grep -q https://
+ echo http://KalturaCE50-1:80
+ IS_SSL=false
+ '[' -r /etc/redhat-release ']'
++ sed 's#\s#_#g'
++ head -1 /etc/redhat-release
+ RELEASE='CentOS_release_6.6_(Final)'
+ '[' -n kaltura@private.it ']'
++ uname -r
++ uname -m
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{version}'
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{release}'
+ curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"event_type": "install_start", "server_role": "kaltura-sphinx-config.sh", "user_email": "kaltura@private.it", "machine_id": "1c964cfd69de6c5c7a963bfe80c99f34", "installation_id": "8d0f48b284d886b9329c87d1f80e6f81", "timestamp": "1418140682", "kernel_version": "2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64", "machine_arch": "x86_64","linux_flavor":"CentOS_release_6.6_(Final)","is_ssl": "false", "service_url": "http://KalturaCE50-1:80","install_err_line": "0","timezone": "Europe/Rome","package_type":"rpm","kaltura_version": "9.19.7","package_revision": "2"}' http://installytics.kaltura.org/report
++ date +%s
++ uname -r
++ uname -m
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{version}'
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{release}'
+ curl --data 'event_type=install_start&server_role=kaltura-sphinx-config.sh&user_email=kaltura@private.it&machine_id=1c964cfd69de6c5c7a963bfe80c99f34&installation_id=8d0f48b284d886b9329c87d1f80e6f81&timestamp=1418140683&kernel_version=2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64&machine_arch=x86_64&linux_flavor=CentOS_release_6.6_(Final)&service_url=http://KalturaCE50-1:80&install_err_line=0&timezone=Europe/Rome&package_type=rpm&kaltura_version=9.19.7&package_revision=2&subscribed_for_ce_updates=1' https://installytics.kaltura.org/report/add_rec.php
+ trap 'my_trap_handler ${LINENO} ${$?}' ERR
+ mkdir -p /opt/kaltura/log/sphinx/data /opt/kaltura/app/cache//sphinx
+ chown kaltura.kaltura /opt/kaltura/app/cache/sphinx /opt/kaltura/log/sphinx/data
+ echo 'sphinxServer ='
++ hostname
+ /etc/init.d/kaltura-sphinx restart
+ /etc/init.d/kaltura-populate restart
+ ln -sf /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/monit/monit.avail/sphinx.rc /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/monit/monit.d/enabled.sphinx.rc
+ /etc/init.d/kaltura-monit stop
+ /etc/init.d/kaltura-monit start
Starting monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
                                                           [  OK  ]
++ basename /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
+ send_install_becon kaltura-sphinx-config.sh Europe/Rome install_success 0
+ trap - ERR
+ '[' -r /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc ']'
+ . /opt/kaltura/bin/contact.rc
++ CONTACT_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ GET_UPDATES_NEWSLETTER=kaltura@private.it
+ '[' -z 1 -o 1 = 0 ']'
+ ROLE=kaltura-sphinx-config.sh
+ TIMEZONE=Europe/Rome
+ ACTION=install_success
+ ERR_LINE=install_success
+ '[' -n 0 ']'
+ RC_FILE=/etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
+ '[' -r /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini ']'
+ . /etc/kaltura.d/system.ini
++ WEB_DIR=/opt/kaltura/web
++ LOG_DIR=/opt/kaltura/log
++ APP_DIR=/opt/kaltura/app
++ BASE_DIR=/opt/kaltura
++ PHP_BIN=/usr/bin/php
++ OS_KALTURA_USER=kaltura
++ MAILTO=kaltura@private.it
++ ADMIN_CONSOLE_ADMIN_MAIL=kaltura@private.it
++ DB1_HOST=
++ DB1_NAME=kaltura
++ DB1_USER=kaltura
++ DB1_PASS=private
++ DWH_PORT=3306
++ DWH_USER=etl
++ DWH_PASS=private
++ SERVICE_URL=http://KalturaCE50-1:80
++ DB1_PORT=3306
++ SUPER_USER=root
++ RED5_HOST=KalturaCE50-1
+ which dmidecode
+ which blkid
++ blkid
+ UNIQ='/dev/sda1: UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda2: UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc" TYPE="ext4" '
+ '[' -n '/dev/sda1: UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda2: UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc" TYPE="ext4" ' ']'
++ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
++ md5sum
++ echo -n /dev/sda1: 'UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8"' 'TYPE="ext4"' /dev/sda2: 'UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA"' 'TYPE="LVM2_member"' /dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: 'UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc"' 'TYPE="ext4"'
+ MACHINE_ID=1c964cfd69de6c5c7a963bfe80c99f34
++ date +%s
+ EPOCH=1418140690
++ awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'
++ md5sum
++ echo /dev/sda1: 'UUID="c8785411-c08f-4f69-8e77-ac6d6325d5b8"' 'TYPE="ext4"' /dev/sda2: 'UUID="HVt2Lw-IKXj-wrAo-SBe1-BHLL-Hxju-D2nITA"' 'TYPE="LVM2_member"' /dev/mapper/vg_kalturace501-lv_root: 'UUID="c68260ab-2e9d-47d4-a15b-6060078791dc"' 'TYPE="ext4"' : 1418140690
+ INSTALL_ID=70992d4dff86d60854f3cacb6fcc36bd
+ echo http://KalturaCE50-1:80
+ grep -q https://
+ IS_SSL=false
+ '[' -r /etc/redhat-release ']'
++ sed 's#\s#_#g'
++ head -1 /etc/redhat-release
+ RELEASE='CentOS_release_6.6_(Final)'
+ '[' -n kaltura@private.it ']'
++ uname -r
++ uname -m
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{version}'
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{release}'
+ curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"event_type": "install_success", "server_role": "kaltura-sphinx-config.sh", "user_email": "kaltura@private.it", "machine_id": "1c964cfd69de6c5c7a963bfe80c99f34", "installation_id": "70992d4dff86d60854f3cacb6fcc36bd", "timestamp": "1418140690", "kernel_version": "2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64", "machine_arch": "x86_64","linux_flavor":"CentOS_release_6.6_(Final)","is_ssl": "false", "service_url": "http://KalturaCE50-1:80","install_err_line": "0","timezone": "Europe/Rome","package_type":"rpm","kaltura_version": "9.19.7","package_revision": "2"}' http://installytics.kaltura.org/report
++ date +%s
++ uname -r
++ uname -m
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{version}'
++ rpm -qa kaltura-base --queryformat '%{release}'
+ curl --data 'event_type=install_success&server_role=kaltura-sphinx-config.sh&user_email=kaltura@private.it&machine_id=1c964cfd69de6c5c7a963bfe80c99f34&installation_id=70992d4dff86d60854f3cacb6fcc36bd&timestamp=1418140692&kernel_version=2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64&machine_arch=x86_64&linux_flavor=CentOS_release_6.6_(Final)&service_url=http://KalturaCE50-1:80&install_err_line=0&timezone=Europe/Rome&package_type=rpm&kaltura_version=9.19.7&package_revision=2&subscribed_for_ce_updates=1' https://installytics.kaltura.org/report/add_rec.php
+ trap 'my_trap_handler ${LINENO} ${$?}' ERR
[root@KalturaCE50-1 kaltura]#
JacopoG commented 9 years ago

I re-installed kaltura. Now kaltura-sanity.sh tests pass without problems. I still having problems in integrations with wowza, so I will open a new "clean" topic on kaltura forum.
