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authentication (username / password) in application #37

Closed srikeerthireddy closed 1 month ago

srikeerthireddy commented 1 month ago

@CodiumAI-Agent /review

CodiumAI-Agent commented 1 month ago

PR Review 🔍

⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 2, because the PR involves a straightforward addition of user authentication schemas and route validations using Joi, which is commonly used for such tasks. The changes are localized and do not involve complex logic changes, making it easier to review.
🧪 Relevant tests No
⚡ Possible issues Possible Bug: The `emailId` field is required in both `registerSchema` and `loginSchema`, which might not be necessary for the login process. Typically, username and password are sufficient for login validation.
🔒 Security concerns No
Code feedback:
relevant fileBack-End/User/Validation.js
suggestion       Consider removing the `emailId` requirement from `loginSchema` as it is typically not necessary for user login, which usually relies just on username and password. This change can improve the user experience by simplifying the login process. [important]
relevant lineemailId: Joi.string().email().required()

relevant fileBack-End/User/userRoutes.js
suggestion       Add handling for potential exceptions when user creation fails due to database issues or other exceptions. This could include logging the error or sending a more descriptive error message to the client. [important]
relevant lineconst newUser=await userModel.create({username,emailId,password});

relevant fileBack-End/User/userRoutes.js
suggestion       Implement password hashing before storing it in the database to enhance security. Storing plain passwords can lead to security vulnerabilities if the database is compromised. [important]
relevant lineconst {username,emailId,password}=req.body;

relevant fileBack-End/User/userRoutes.js
suggestion       Consider adding a check to see if a user already exists with the same username before creating a new user. This can prevent duplicate user entries in the database. [important]
relevant lineconst {username,emailId,password}=req.body;