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Implemented 'update' and 'delete' an entity in React app #38

Closed srikeerthireddy closed 1 month ago

srikeerthireddy commented 1 month ago

@CodiumAI-Agent /review

CodiumAI-Agent commented 1 month ago

PR Review 🔍

⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4, because the PR involves multiple files and significant changes including CSS modifications, React component updates, and routing adjustments. The complexity of the changes, especially in the React components, requires careful review to ensure functionality and style consistency.
🧪 Relevant tests No
⚡ Possible issues Possible Bug: The `handleDelete` function in `TrackMood.jsx` might not update the UI immediately after a delete operation because it filters `moodEntries` based on `_id` which might not trigger a re-render if `moodEntries` is not properly managed as a state dependency in `useEffect`.
Data Validation Issue: The `UpdateEntry.jsx` component does not seem to validate the input data before sending it to the server which could lead to server errors or security issues if the input data is malformed.
🔒 Security concerns No
Code feedback:
relevant fileFront-End/src/Components/WellnessHub/TrackMood/TrackMood.jsx
suggestion       Consider using `async` and `await` with the `fetch` function for consistency and better readability. This change will align the fetch style with other async operations in your component. [important]
relevant lineconst response = await fetch(`http://localhost:5226/api/moodEntry/EntryDelete/${id}`, {

relevant fileFront-End/src/Components/WellnessHub/UpdateEntry/UpdateEntry.jsx
suggestion       Implement client-side validation for the update form fields to enhance user experience and reduce server-side load by catching simple errors on the client side. [important]
relevant line

relevant fileFront-End/src/Components/WellnessHub/TrackMood/TrackMood.jsx
suggestion       Add error handling for the `fetchMoodEntries` function to manage scenarios where the fetch operation fails, improving the robustness of your application. [important]
relevant lineconst response = await fetch('http://localhost:5226/api/moodEntry/EntryRead');

relevant fileFront-End/src/Components/WellnessHub/TrackMood/TrackMood.jsx
suggestion       Use a more descriptive error message in the catch block of `handleDelete` to provide users with clearer information on what went wrong. [medium]
relevant linethrow new Error('Failed to delete entry');