kalys / bamboo_ses

AWS SES adapter for Bamboo
MIT License
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Cannot send email with headers or attachments and special characters in the name part of the From address #55

Closed michallepicki closed 2 months ago

michallepicki commented 2 months ago

👋🏻 Hi!

I have another issue similar to #54, when sending an email with custom headers or attachments, but also setting the From address to one with special characters (I have included 3 examples but there's probably many more):

    |> Email.put_header("X-Custom-Header", "header-value")
    |> Email.from({~s(John [Schmidt]), "from@example.com"})
    # |> Email.from({~s(John <3 You), "from@example.com"})
    # |> Email.from({~s(John Schmidt\\), "from@example.com"})
    |> SesAdapter.deliver(%{})

There's an error when building the message content (different errors depending on the example, here's the first one):

 ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, {1, :smtp_rfc5322_parse, [~c"syntax error before: ", [~c"\"[Schmidt]\""]]}}
     code: |> SesAdapter.deliver(%{})
       (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /home/michal/bamboo_ses/deps/gen_smtp/src/mimemail.erl:999: :mimemail.encode_header_value/2
       (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /home/michal/bamboo_ses/deps/gen_smtp/src/mimemail.erl:963: :mimemail.encode_headers/1
       (gen_smtp 1.2.0) /home/michal/bamboo_ses/deps/gen_smtp/src/mimemail.erl:210: :mimemail.encode/2
       (bamboo_ses 0.4.4) lib/bamboo/adapters/message/content.ex:87: BambooSes.Message.Content.build_content/7
       (bamboo_ses 0.4.4) lib/bamboo/adapters/message.ex:136: BambooSes.Message.put_content/2
       (bamboo_ses 0.4.4) lib/bamboo/adapters/ses_adapter.ex:51: Bamboo.SesAdapter.deliver/2

I found that there is a helper for preparing and correctly encoding addresses, but in the Raw renderer it is not used (maybe the fix would be to call it there?)