kamarada / Linux-Kamarada-GNOME

Archived on GitHub. Moved to GitLab: https://gitlab.com/kamarada/Linux-Kamarada-GNOME/
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GUI - Utilities - Password manager #28

Open vinyanalista opened 5 years ago

vinyanalista commented 5 years ago

Linux Kamarada needs an application for managing passwords.

vinyanalista commented 5 years ago

GNOME Passwords and Keys (or Seahorse) can be installed with:

# zypper in seahorse seahorse-lang
vinyanalista commented 4 years ago

Working on 15.1-RC2-Build37.8.

vinyanalista commented 4 years ago

Nothing against Seahorse, but the password manager I've been using and recommend is KeePassXC.

# zypper in keepassxc keepassxc-lang
vinyanalista commented 3 years ago

Linux Kamarada is moving to GitLab. Any updates to this issue are going to be reported on GitLab.