kamarada / Linux-Kamarada-GNOME

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CLI - Archiving programs #8

Open vinyanalista opened 5 years ago

vinyanalista commented 5 years ago

Linux Kamarada needs archiving programs, so that users can manage archive files (for example, ZIP files) from the command line interface and using shell scripts.

vinyanalista commented 5 years ago

Zip archives can be created with zip and extracted with unzip.

To install those programs:

# zypper in zip unzip


$ zip myfiles.zip file1 file2
$ zip -r mypics.zip /home/username/pics/
$ unzip file.zip
$ unzip -d /dest/directory/ file.zip


vinyanalista commented 5 years ago

Tarballs (.tar.gz or .tar.bz2) can be created and extracted with GNU Tar.

To install tar:

# zypper in tar tar-lang


$ tar -czvf myfiles.tar.gz file1 file2
$ tar -czvf mypics.tar.gz /home/username/pics/
$ tar -tvf archive.tar.gr
$ tar -xzvf file.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf file.tar.gz -C /dest/directory/


vinyanalista commented 4 years ago

7-Zip archives (.7z) can be created and extracted with p7zip, the port of the command line version of 7-Zip for POSIX systems, including Linux.

To install p7zip:

# zypper in p7zip


$ 7z a myfiles.7z file1 file2
$ 7z a mypics.7z /home/username/pics/
$ 7z x file.7z
$ 7z x -o/dest/directory/ file.7z


vinyanalista commented 4 years ago

RAR files can be created with rar and extracted with unrar.

The program unrar can be found in following packages:

The program rar can be found in the following package:


$ rar a myfiles.rar file1 file2
$ cd /home/username/
$ rar a mypics.rar pics/
$ unrar x file.rar
$ unrar x file.rar /dest/directory/


vinyanalista commented 3 years ago

Linux Kamarada is moving to GitLab. Any updates to this issue are going to be reported on GitLab.