kamathsblog / rosserial_teensy_pio

Template for ROSSerial with Teensy 4.1 using PlatformIO
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Buffer Size #1

Open Dober2786 opened 11 months ago

Dober2786 commented 11 months ago

Hi, it seems that you have experience in rosserial with the teensy 4.1. Ate this moment im stuck at with my project. My issue is that I´m subscribing to the joint state topic and give out the pwm signal of the angles to servos of that joint. That works for the first 13 Servos but the Servo nuber 14 doesnt react to the pubished topics. My suggestion is that the USB Buffer is full and drops the data thats bigger than the Buffer. Is it somehow possible to get the USB Buffer into the PSRAM modules?

adityakamath commented 10 months ago

Hi @Dober2786, its been a while since I used ROSSerial, as I've moved on to using ROS 2. You can have a look at my updates to the rosserial library here - I've changed the number of nodes, buffer size and baud rate. You can try playing around with these numbers, maybe a combination of them works for you.

Alternatively, the issue could be in your code, are you correctly subscribing to 14 joint states? Maybe its an issue with the indices somewhere..