kamelnetworks / sonic-buildimage

Kamel Networks' pending patches to SONiC
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HPE 3180 R1N26A misdetected as Questone 2A #14

Closed deimosian closed 5 months ago

deimosian commented 5 months ago


Hello there, I've got an HPE FM 3180 which is a rebranded Celestica Questone2. I have been looking for a NOS to install on it, saw your comment and patches in the discussion of the Questone2/2A pull request and gave your builds a shot. Unfortunately once installed it thought it was a Questone2A and did not have any ports.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Install SONiC.202211-kamel.459-ba772f94278d95ac989dfddba1ef55ec6792b85f or SONiC.202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a61886f3f2d670a6aa77954f380f9560 on FM 3180
  2. Run show version

Describe the results you received:

HwSKU: Questone_2A

Describe the results you expected:

HwSKU: Questone_2

Output of show version:

admin@sonic:~$ show version

SONiC Software Version: SONiC.202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a
SONiC OS Version: 11
Distribution: Debian 11.9
Kernel: 5.10.0-23-2-amd64
Build commit: d5b64e77a
Build date: Mon Mar 25 03:13:32 UTC 2024
Built by: ubuntu@kamel-builder-2023-11-02-1151

Platform: x86_64-cel_questone_2-r0
HwSKU: Questone_2A
ASIC: broadcom
ASIC Count: 1
Serial Number: TH97120077
Model Number: R1156-F0018-01
Hardware Revision: N/A
Uptime: 08:56:45 up 2 min,  1 user,  load average: 4.46, 1.92, 0.72
Date: Mon 25 Mar 2024 08:56:45

Docker images:
REPOSITORY                    TAG                          IMAGE ID       SIZE
docker-orchagent              202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   d6236ac27350   420MB
docker-orchagent              latest                       d6236ac27350   420MB
docker-fpm-frr                202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   f14fbeaf5c76   430MB
docker-fpm-frr                latest                       f14fbeaf5c76   430MB
docker-nat                    202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   2c683aa79ead   404MB
docker-nat                    latest                       2c683aa79ead   404MB
docker-sflow                  202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   98338a22ff60   402MB
docker-sflow                  latest                       98338a22ff60   402MB
docker-teamd                  202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   cf2b4e9c2a22   401MB
docker-teamd                  latest                       cf2b4e9c2a22   401MB
docker-macsec                 latest                       ac16b4e0b6b5   403MB
docker-syncd-brcm             202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   1c238ee788e1   757MB
docker-syncd-brcm             latest                       1c238ee788e1   757MB
docker-gbsyncd-broncos        202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   1f6bc9b27f59   433MB
docker-gbsyncd-broncos        latest                       1f6bc9b27f59   433MB
docker-gbsyncd-credo          202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   3624464dfda5   405MB
docker-gbsyncd-credo          latest                       3624464dfda5   405MB
docker-dhcp-relay             latest                       fc8e155cc3c5   394MB
docker-eventd                 202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   2ea85a498241   384MB
docker-eventd                 latest                       2ea85a498241   384MB
docker-sonic-mgmt-framework   202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   d096aff46c23   649MB
docker-sonic-mgmt-framework   latest                       d096aff46c23   649MB
docker-sonic-telemetry        202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   85c4cb25059f   681MB
docker-sonic-telemetry        latest                       85c4cb25059f   681MB
docker-snmp                   202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   890e8c824d02   429MB
docker-snmp                   latest                       890e8c824d02   429MB
docker-platform-monitor       202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   7f99a099d989   509MB
docker-platform-monitor       latest                       7f99a099d989   509MB
docker-router-advertiser      202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   fb147e487b59   384MB
docker-router-advertiser      latest                       fb147e487b59   384MB
docker-lldp                   202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   e531432e57a2   426MB
docker-lldp                   latest                       e531432e57a2   426MB
docker-mux                    202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   1be1d1564454   433MB
docker-mux                    latest                       1be1d1564454   433MB
docker-database               202211-kamel.465-d5b64e77a   c6191cff0851   384MB
docker-database               latest                       c6191cff0851   384MB

Output of show techsupport:


Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally):

deimosian commented 5 months ago


I think the issue is with https://github.com/kamelnetworks/sonic-buildimage/commit/4df55ee8a5df7f2638dc538a5ce88980bafb6b3d#diff-d9022ef1510ef742ad053be38b9709713d238712ef2390024d30ae77922fe19a

On these the decode-syseeprom gives back R1N26A for Label.

deimosian commented 5 months ago

I think this should fix my issue: https://github.com/kamelnetworks/sonic-buildimage/pull/15

Haven't been able to build and test though, builds fail for me with docker pull errors.

bluecmd commented 5 months ago

Merged! Would you be able to verify if your platform can list things like PSUs and temp sensors and such? I believe our 3180 did not show them, but didn't dig too deep into it.

Also, if you're willing I'd love to add the syseeprom dump (show platform syseeprom) to my collection if you're willing to share it.

EDIT: Nevermind! Saw that you posted the tech-support dump, that contains the syseeprom dump. Thanks!

I'll close this as done

deimosian commented 5 months ago

I did see fan speed and temp sensors while poking around in the Plexxi that came installed on it (which I backed up) but not with any SONiC I've tried thus far.

Would you be able to trigger a build and add a release with this patch that I can test?

bluecmd commented 5 months ago

It is already building :-)

EDIT: https://dev.azure.com/kamelnetworks/sonic/_build/results?buildId=467&view=results here if you can't find the build through all the hoops.

deimosian commented 5 months ago

Great, thank you! I'll check for the fans and such on this one.

Hopefully all this makes it into the master at some point with https://github.com/sonic-net/sonic-buildimage/pull/15990

deimosian commented 5 months ago

Fans and Temps work!

admin@sonic:~$ show platform temperature 
         Sensor    Temperature    High TH    Low TH    Crit High TH    Crit Low TH    Warning          Timestamp
---------------  -------------  ---------  --------  --------------  -------------  ---------  -----------------
   Base_Temp_U5             21         58       N/A            63.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:49
   Base_Temp_U7             21         58       N/A            63.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:49
       CPU_Temp             31         80       N/A            94.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:49
     PSU1_Temp1             21         80       N/A             N/A            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:55
     PSU1_Temp2             29         80       N/A             N/A            N/A      False  20240327 18:19:01
     PSU2_Temp1             20         80       N/A             N/A            N/A      False  20240327 18:19:04
     PSU2_Temp2             28         80       N/A             N/A            N/A      False  20240327 18:19:10
 Switch_Temp_U1             30         77       N/A            80.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:50
Switch_Temp_U18             28         77       N/A            80.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:50
Switch_Temp_U28             26         58       N/A            63.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:50
Switch_Temp_U29             24         58       N/A            63.0            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:51
Switch_U21_Temp             28         80       N/A             N/A            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:51
Switch_U33_Temp             32         80       N/A             N/A            N/A      False  20240327 18:18:51
admin@sonic:~$ show platform fan
  Drawer    LED          FAN    Speed    Direction    Presence    Status          Timestamp
--------  -----  -----------  -------  -----------  ----------  --------  -----------------
   Fan 1  green       FAN-1F      39%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:36
   Fan 1  green       FAN-1R      35%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:37
   Fan 2  green       FAN-2F      39%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:39
   Fan 2  green       FAN-2R      35%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:40
   Fan 3  green       FAN-3F      40%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:42
   Fan 3  green       FAN-3R      35%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:44
   Fan 4  green       FAN-4F      39%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:45
   Fan 4  green       FAN-4R      35%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:46
     N/A    N/A  PSU-1 FAN-1      44%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:47
     N/A    N/A  PSU-2 FAN-1      44%       intake     Present        OK  20240327 18:19:47