kami-blue / client

ARCHIVED - KAMI Blue: a continuation of 1.12.2 KAMI
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Compatibility of the Waypoints System with Journeymap and other Map mods #1097

Open tooboredtocode opened 3 years ago

tooboredtocode commented 3 years ago

As I and I think others use JM alongside KAMI Blue, I think that making them compatible seems like a helpful thing to do.

Furthermore, JM stores WPs as a single .json file so making them compatible shouldn’t be too hard.

5HT2 commented 3 years ago

JourneyMap does not store them in a single json file, and it won't be easy either.

tooboredtocode commented 3 years ago

Well i meant that it stores each wp as a single .json file

5HT2 commented 3 years ago

Yes, that's much more work.

5HT2 commented 3 years ago

Oh I actually wrote a converter for these but never published it. Is there still demand for this?

5HT2 commented 3 years ago

:pensive: I guess I'll try to find time to properly publish it image