kami-blue / client

ARCHIVED - KAMI Blue: a continuation of 1.12.2 KAMI
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
361 stars 384 forks source link

DiscordRPC show 2b Queue #1101

Open 5HT2 opened 3 years ago

5HT2 commented 3 years ago

Normal: https://2b2t.io/api/queue?last=true

Prio: https://api.2b2t.dev/prioq

Along with current queue pos

mr-nv commented 3 years ago

api.2b2t.dev doesnt seem to load at all in russia (and it doesnt load not only for me, but also my friends) i changed api.2b2t.dev/prioq to 2b2t.io/api/prioqueue?last=true so that i could get info about prio queue properly