When minify mode is activated (release), Moshi cannot parse attributes. I think because resource objects are obfuscated by ProGuard/R8 but I don't understand why because I think I added all necessary rules recommended on Readme.
Here is one of my Resources:
import com.squareup.moshi.Json;
import moe.banana.jsonapi2.JsonApi;
import moe.banana.jsonapi2.Resource;
@JsonApi(type = "consents")
public class ConsentResponse extends Resource {
public String version;
@Json(name = "activation_date")
public String activationDate;
public String title;
public String text;
My whole project is in Kotlin but I decided to do resources objets on Java because I had some problems parsing attributes.
Here is my ProGuard/R8 rules:
-keepattributes Signature
-keep class moe.banana.jsonapi2.** {
-keep public class moe.banana.jsonapi2.**
Here is my ResourceAdapterFactory and Retrofit builder:
When minify mode is activated (release), Moshi cannot parse attributes. I think because resource objects are obfuscated by ProGuard/R8 but I don't understand why because I think I added all necessary rules recommended on Readme.
Here is one of my Resources:
My whole project is in Kotlin but I decided to do resources objets on Java because I had some problems parsing attributes.
Here is my ProGuard/R8 rules:
Here is my ResourceAdapterFactory and Retrofit builder:
Here is my dependencies:
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Thank you very much in advance ;)