kamil271e / double-tsp

Assorted heuristics for solving a modified Traveling Salesperson Problem (TSP) combinatorial challenge.
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Iterated local search version 1.0 #35

Closed unbreaking-V closed 4 months ago

unbreaking-V commented 5 months ago

Iterative local search with little perturbation. Perturbation1 (ILS1) can involve, for example, replacing several edges and/or vertices with others selected at random. The stop condition for ILSx is to reach a time equal to the average MSLS time for the same instance.

Attention , one run of MSLS includes 100 iterations of LS, and the the final result is the best solution obtained in those 100 runs. The starting solution can be a random solution or one obtained using a randomized heuristic.

Pseudo code:

Generate the initial solution x
x := Local search (x)
    y := x
    Perturbation (y)
    y := Local search (y)
    If f(y) > f(x) then
         x := y
To meet the stop conditions