kamilkisiela / graphql-hive

GraphQL Hive is a schema registry and observability
MIT License
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Support OIDC Connect Discovery document #716

Closed kamilkisiela closed 1 month ago

kamilkisiela commented 1 year ago

Spec: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-discovery-1_0.html#rfc.section.4.2 User could provide a link to the doc, pass a client id and a secret.

Why? Not all OIDC providers follow the same convention for endpoints. Azure AD has /userinfo under a different host.

n1ru4l commented 1 year ago

okay so people will put it into a form on the hive settings website http://brrrrrt/.well-known/openid-configuration we will fetch a JSON file from that and that will be used instead of the OAuth API Url that is now used by everything.

Things to touch:

n1ru4l commented 1 year ago

Right now we already introduced support for more granular configuration via the UI through https://github.com/kamilkisiela/graphql-hive/pull/835

wethekings303 commented 7 months ago

Would this support OIDC login for any provider that uses oauth such as keycloak? Right now OIDC only supports google, okta, and github - https://the-guild.dev/graphql/hive/docs/self-hosting/oidc-login.

We currently use organization scoped SSO - https://the-guild.dev/graphql/hive/docs/management/sso-oidc-provider. This allows sso after sso integration was setup manually through the UI using the settings referenced at - https://github.com/kamilkisiela/graphql-hive/pull/835. It would be great if from the initial deployment we could use SSO.

n1ru4l commented 7 months ago

@wethekings303 This issue tracks supporting OIDC Discovery documents for organizations. ANY OIDC Compliant provider can be connected to an organization (see https://the-guild.dev/graphql/hive/docs/management/sso-oidc-provider).

You are referring to a self-hosted OIDC login.


It would be great if from the initial deployment we could use SSO.

This will be covered via the admin API https://github.com/kamilkisiela/graphql-hive/issues/2994