kamilkisiela / loona

🌕 Application State Management done with GraphQL
MIT License
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default ng build --prod generating console errors #273

Open agborkowski opened 5 years ago

agborkowski commented 5 years ago

ng build --prod generates

main.568598cebae93c2a7f2b.js:1 Uncaught Error: 
        In order to initialize Apollo Client, you must specify link & cache properties on the config object.
        This is part of the required upgrade when migrating from Apollo Client 1.0 to Apollo Client 2.0.
        For more information, please visit:
        to help you get started.
ceelian commented 5 years ago

Got the same error in production. Any workaround we can get loona run in angular prod mode?

ceelian commented 5 years ago

Found the source of the problem and a solution:

const uri = '/graphql/';

export function apolloFactory(
  httpLink: HttpLink,
  loonaLink: LoonaLink,
  cache: InMemoryCache
): ApolloClientOptions<any> {
  const link = loonaLink.concat(
      uri: uri

  return {

  imports: [
    LoonaModule.forRoot([FooState, BarState])
  exports: [ApolloModule, HttpLinkModule],
  providers: [
      provide: LOONA_CACHE,
      useValue: new InMemoryCache() // <-- works in prod mode (with aot)
      // useFactory() {  <-- does NOT work with aot (in prod mode)
      //   return new InMemoryCache();
      // }
      provide: APOLLO_OPTIONS,
      useFactory: apolloFactory,
      deps: [HttpLink, LoonaLink, LOONA_CACHE]
export class GraphqlModule {