kamiyaa / joshuto

ranger-like terminal file manager written in Rust
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Image preview script as per image_previews/ueberzugpp.md doesn't send "add" commands to ueberzugpp #366

Closed Beethoven-n closed 1 year ago

Beethoven-n commented 1 year ago

i've been trying to hack at this a little bit.

it seems like joshuto isn't sending anything to show_image other than the file name. what's going on?

DLFW commented 1 year ago

Hi, your Issues leaves me with a lot of questions.

You're using some script based on the Überzug-example from this repo?

  1. Well, yes, it should be pretty obvious from the show_image function in the wrapper script. There is some argument that is given to Überzug and Überzug needs to find that file. The wrapper script is started first in the respective working directory. It has nothing to do with the directories you might change to in the Joshuto sub-process. That's the nature of that wrapper script. It can't know what dir you're currently looking at in Joshuto. And it was never intended to be used that way. The hook-scripts get the full path for that purpose: the hook scripts and wrapper script do not need to know anything of what is going in Joshuto.

  2. Sorry, I have really no clue what you're talking about. Mimetypes in the wrapper script? What is there in the wrapper about mime types??? It just provides some functions to the hook scripts...

Joshuto does not send anything to show_image at all. show_image (assuming you use the examples from here) is called only by your hook script. And Joshuto calls your hook scripts. That's it. Change your hook scripts so that they print all arguments to some temporary file and you will see what's going on.

Sorry, maybe I had too much 🍺 today. But I have no idea what you're talking about. What do you want to achieve anyway?

Maybe I should get more 🍻... really to warm today...

Beethoven-n commented 1 year ago

i should probably clarify.

* `:shell bash` allows me to do `show_image` manually, but i have to provide the full path to the image instead of it being resolved

if i do :shell bash, i can use all the exports from the "jo" script, named "jst" in my case. i have to provide all the arguments manually, but i can use show_image and remove_image from the resulting shell. if i call the functions through joshuto automatically, then only remove_image is called, according to ueberzugpp's logging.

* changing mimetypes accepted in the wrapper script has resulted in only "remove" commands being sent to ueberzugpp.

this is where i made a mistake in what i said. if i change this part of on_preview_shown, i get no obvious change. whether that's removing the *);;, or changing these mimetypes to image/*, nothing seems to change in on_preview_shown's behavior.

case "$mimetype" in
        show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height
        show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height

it seems like joshuto isn't sending anything to show_image other than the file name. what's going on?

when i do show_image automatically, through joshuto, i get no preview, and ueberzugpp reports as though show_image never even happened. i can't find where the arguments to show_image are coming from, so i can only really guess what's happening with it. there's some error in the script and i can't figure out how to debug it.

DLFW commented 1 year ago

if i call the functions through joshuto automatically, then only...

Not sure what you mean by through joshuto automatically. I assume you're talking about calling them from the hook-scripts, like done in the recipes.

there's some error in the script and i can't figure out how to debug it.

Well, when I was writing the hooks, I ususally just did stuff like

path="$1"       # Full path of the previewed file
x="$2"          # x coordinate of upper left cell of preview area
y="$3"          # y coordinate of upper left cell of preview area
width="$4"      # Width of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)
height="$5"     # Height of the preview pane (number of fitting characters)

mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")

echo "$path $x $y $width $height ($mimetype)" >> /tmp/noodlesoup


So, just write the arguments to some tmp file and then tail -f it in another terminal. You can add several such debug outputs in different places in the hook script.

And now that I'm looking into your code extract, I think I saw the bug.... 😆

You have your *) case first. So this will always match and just “remove” an image. The case-branches which call show_image will never be reached.


case "$mimetype" in
                echo "remove!" >> /tmp/noodlesoup
                echo "PNG!" >> /tmp/noodlesoup
        show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height
                echo "JPG!" >> /tmp/noodlesoup
        show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height

And I guess you will never see a “PNG!” or a “JPG!” in your /tmp/noodlesoup....

So, just put your wildcard-case to the bottom:

case "$mimetype" in
        show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height
        show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height
Beethoven-n commented 1 year ago

yes, so the problem still persists when i outright remove the star case, is what i'm saying

interestingly, when i direct output from the script to a log file, it sees the mimetype for a json file, but not for a jpg. it doesn't even echo a path for the selected file when it's a picture. i can confirm the file exists, and it does get output, but it doesn't always

new lines for jst:

export jstlog="$joshuto_wrap_tmp"/jstlog

touch $jstlog

new lines for on_preview_shown:

# Find out mimetype and extension
mimetype=$(file --mime-type -Lb "$path")
extension=$(/bin/echo "${path##*.}" | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
echo $path >> $jstlog
echo $mimetype >> $jstlog

case "$mimetype" in
  # *)
  #   remove_image
  #   ;;
    echo $(date +"[%y-%m-%d %I:%M %P]") "png detected" "$path" $x $y $width $height >> $jstlog
    show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height
    echo "$(date +"[%y-%m-%d %I:%M %P")" "jpeg detected" "$path" $x $y $width $height >> $jstlog
    show_image "$path" $x $y $width $height

output from $jstlog in my joshuto folder:


output from $jstlog when in my pictures folder, which has 103 files:

Beethoven-n commented 1 year ago

aha! bug partly fixed. if i add this to preview_file, i get an actual logging about images:

    ## Preview as text conversion
    ~/.config/joshuto/on_preview_shown "${FILE_PATH}" && exit 0
    exit 1 ;;

resulting logging (interestingly, dimensions are missing):

[23-07-16 01:38 pm] image detected /home/dogbold/pictures/baby_sulphur.png
[23-07-16 01:38 pm] image detected /home/dogbold/pictures/background2-tinypc.jpg
[23-07-16 01:38 pm] image detected /home/dogbold/pictures/background2-tinypc.png
[23-07-16 01:38 pm] image detected /home/dogbold/pictures/blue-token.png
[23-07-16 01:38 pm] image detected /home/dogbold/pictures/dogbold-icon.png
DLFW commented 1 year ago

Ehh... wait... in your first example, where you have the logging without any image files mentioned, have you actually hovered your cursor over image files?

If yes, that would mean that the hook was not invoked at all. 🤔 What does your text-preview script (preview_file.sh in the example config) return for image files?

Do you maybe return something ≠ 0 on images there? Is the preview area (3rd panel on the right) at all visible for image files in Joshuto?

DLFW commented 1 year ago

(You must return 0 there to show the preview area at all, only then, the “preview_shown” hook will be called...)

Beethoven-n commented 1 year ago

that seems to have gotten it working! (i can fix mediainfo being in the wrong spot) image takeaway for anyone reading maybe worth putting into the docs:

here's an example if you want to see how i fixed it

DLFW commented 1 year ago

(i can fix mediainfo being in the wrong spot)

If you don't want any text output, just don't print any from your preview_file.sh but only terminate with exit 0.

If you want to have both, text and an image preview, this recipe shows how that can be achieved.

you can (and should) make the joshuto wrapper script output to a log file

Not sure if one should. I don't do that. :wink:

the exit codes from preview_file are not an output, they're a required input to joshuto

They are both. The exit codes and stdout are the way the preview_file.sh gives back information to Joshuto. That's a pretty common way to get information back from a sub-process. It's also documented on top of the example script. However, I would agree that this special relation between the preview_file.sh and the image preview could be documented more explicit.

Beethoven-n commented 1 year ago

oops, accidentally reopened. lol ctrl-enter

Not sure if one should. I don't do that. :wink:

i'll sure keep doing that, because it's handy to have logging like this