kammerje / spaceKLIP

Pipeline for reducing JWST high-contrast imaging data. Published in Kammerer et al. 2022 and Carter et al. 2022.
MIT License
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'Coron1Pipeline_spaceKLIP' object has no attribute 'closeout' #197

Closed strampelligiovanni closed 1 week ago

strampelligiovanni commented 2 weeks ago

When running coron1pipeline.run_obs on the develop branch, I get the following error message.

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[7], line 2
      1 if not reduced:
----> 2     coron1pipeline.run_obs(database=Database,
      3                            steps={'saturation': {'n_pix_grow_sat': 1,
      4                                                  'grow_diagonal': True},
      5                                   'refpix': {'odd_even_columns': True,
      6                                              'odd_even_rows': True,
      7                                              'nlower': 4,
      8                                              'nupper': 4,
      9                                              'nleft': 4,
     10                                              'nright': 4,
     11                                              'nrow_off': 0,
     12                                              'ncol_off': 0},
     13                                   'dark_current': {'skip': True},
     14                                   'jump': {'rejection_threshold': 4.,
     15                                            'three_group_rejection_threshold': 4.,
     16                                            'four_group_rejection_threshold': 4.},
     17                                   'ramp_fit': {'save_calibrated_ramp': False}},
     18                            subdir='stage1')

File ~/spaceKLIP/spaceKLIP/coron1pipeline.py:883, in run_obs(database, steps, subdir, overwrite, quiet, verbose, **kwargs)
    881 else:
    882     if not quiet: log.info('  --> Coron1Pipeline: processing ' + tail)
--> 883     _ = run_single_file(fitspath, output_dir, steps=steps, 
    884                         verbose=verbose, **kwargs)
    886 # Update spaceKLIP database.
    887 database.update_obs(key, j, fitsout_path)

File ~/spaceKLIP/spaceKLIP/coron1pipeline.py:717, in run_single_file(fitspath, output_dir, steps, verbose, **kwargs)
    712     raise RuntimeError(
    713         'Caught exception during pipeline processing.'
    714         '\nException: {}'.format(e)
    715     )
    716 finally:
--> 717     pipeline.closeout()
    719 if isinstance(res, list):
    720     res = res[0]

AttributeError: 'Coron1Pipeline_spaceKLIP' object has no attribute 'closeout'

I noticed I have installed jwst 1.15.0. If I revert to 1.14.0 the problem disappear