kammerje / spaceKLIP

Pipeline for reducing JWST high-contrast imaging data. Published in Kammerer et al. 2022 and Carter et al. 2022.
MIT License
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[Enhancement]: Better FITS header keywords for positions of mask and star #224

Open mperrin opened 1 month ago

mperrin commented 1 month ago

Instrument or Category

NIRCam Stage 1/2 Pipeline, MIRI Stage 1/2 Pipeline, Image Tools, Analysis Tools

What is your suggestion?

As discussed in slack by @kdlawson @JarronL @juliengirard @kammerje and @mperrin:

Error traceback output

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mperrin commented 1 month ago

Sub tasks:

kdlawson commented 1 month ago

Regarding the last subtask: we should also keep in mind that a final derotated & combined image will need one "MASK_CEN" value (and uncertainty) per pointing/roll. For Winnie reducs, we include the ImageHDU header for every image used (each containing the equivalent of MASK_CEN), but one could also just add numerical subscripts to combine everything to a single HDU FITS file more similar to current SpaceKLIP outputs.