kamon-io / kamon-akka-remote

Kamon Instrumentation for Akka Remote
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Akka 2.5 support #5

Open briantopping opened 7 years ago

briantopping commented 7 years ago

Is there intention to generate 2.5 support for akka-remote? Seems like others will eventually be asking the same question so I thought it couldn't hurt to ask here.

Thanks for all you're doing with 1.0!

sebaoliveri commented 6 years ago

Any tempting date about making Kamon work with akka cluster sharding 2.5?

lustefaniak commented 6 years ago

Akka 2.5 support exists: libraryDependencies += "io.kamon" %% "kamon-akka-remote-2.5" % "1.0.0"

lustefaniak commented 6 years ago

@sebaoliveri https://github.com/kamon-io/kamon-akka-remote/pull/10