kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap

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Rust Language #4499

Closed sebmaz93 closed 6 months ago

sebmaz93 commented 8 months ago

What is the title of the roadmap you are submitting?

Roadmap to learn Rust

Is this roadmap prepared by you or someone else?

I prepared this roadmap

Roadmap Items

sebmaz93 commented 8 months ago

should I start making changes on code level (add rust folder .md file ..etc) and open PR for it ? or must wait and get approval ?

thomaszdxsn commented 8 months ago

how the svg data.json made? anybody know?

ShawnNectar commented 8 months ago

maybe getting more into types would be a good deal, even the basics of it. Since you are giving a well grounded introduction, why not the good and old math:>

sebmaz93 commented 8 months ago

@ShawnNectar you mean more detailed types like integers have i8 u8 i16 u16...etc ? or Types like Option Result<T, E> ...etc ?

ShawnNectar commented 8 months ago

sure yeah! don't need to go super deep into every nomenclature difference. Keeping it simple should do the trick, just explain why they are what they are. Can also touch on inference, Rust's type system, and how formal proof fits into the mix

ShawnNectar commented 8 months ago

formal proof is boring, but it's great to know at least the little little basics, rust loves formal proof:> even though we don't

kamranahmedse commented 6 months ago

Thanks @sebmaz93 -- roadmap for rust is live 🙏