kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap

Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
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hide unwanted paths #5562

Closed cherrydub closed 1 week ago

cherrydub commented 3 weeks ago

Feature Description

Can there be an option where we can choose to hide something, for example im doing the react roadmap and i dont want to see certain state management for example, such as Redux etc, I like the skip/done/ etc options but when you dont go on the site in a while it just gets a bit confusing and a bit too much...thanks!

kamranahmedse commented 1 week ago

We are working on something that would make it easier to implement this. In its current setup, doing it would just result in scattered topics making it even difficult to identify the connections and learn. Closing it for now and we will think about it once we launch the v2 or official roadmaps (in the near future).