kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap

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help in choosing os #5574

Closed irajatkatal closed 1 week ago

irajatkatal commented 3 weeks ago

Feature Description

As a beginner, many people don't know what OS they should choose to learn Linux. Could you make a list on the Linux roadmap based on the experience of what OS we should choose to start with Linux?

dansholds commented 1 week ago

Hi Rajat, we try to prevent bias towards different Operating Systems or technologies and the Linux Roadmap [https://roadmap.sh/linux] doesn't include any OS specific details intentionally.

If users want to engage in discussions around which OS is best suited for certain tasks then they can join those discussions in our Discord - https://discord.gg/n4VpVwPJ

As for what OS I would personally recommend to a beginner, I would recommend Ubuntu due to it's popularity and wide adoption.