kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap

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Add links to learn the basics of programming languages #5925

Closed fey closed 1 day ago

fey commented 3 days ago

Feature Description

Hi. Thanks for the cool and helpful resource. We have an opensource free project where you can learn the basics of programming. Maybe we could find common ground for general collaboration? For example in PHP, Python, JS we can add links to lessons (https://code-basics.com/languages/python for example, no registration required).

According to Code of Conduct this is possible if you add a link with @course@ type, am I right?

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

dansholds commented 3 days ago

Hey @fey do you have discord or twitter? Lets talk!

fey commented 2 days ago

Hello, @dansholds. Yes, i have https://x.com/feycot discord - feycot

dansholds commented 1 day ago

@fey Awesome, I'll reach out today.