kamranahmedse / developer-roadmap

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Heaps #5984

Closed khansalmaan closed 2 months ago

khansalmaan commented 5 months ago

Roadmap URL



I believe heaps should be included in any data structures roadmap because they are essential for priority queues, efficient sorting algorithms like heap sort, and optimizing various operations such as finding, inserting, and deleting elements. Heaps also play a key role in memory management and algorithm design, making them a fundamental concept for both practical and theoretical applications.

dansholds commented 5 months ago

dupe of #5905

We have agreed to add this to the roadmap once it's migration to the new editor is complete. I will leave this issue open until them to prevent anyone else opening the same issue.

Jash2606 commented 4 months ago

Hey @dansholds,

I'm eager to start contributing to the project. Could you please assign me a task to get started?

dansholds commented 2 months ago

heap sort is now in the roadmap.