kamranahmedse / jquery-toast-plugin

Highly customizable jquery plugin to show toast messages
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Trying to make it work with AMD Shim/ RequireJS/ TypeScript #20

Open avatar21 opened 8 years ago

avatar21 commented 8 years ago

Recently trying to use it with TypeScript and RequireJS+Shim ... however there's no Toast.s.ts defiend for it, and it depends on JQuery ... hence trying to get support for this, or I'll try to implement the missing pieces ...

Property 'toast' does not exist on type 'JQueryStatic'.

avatar21 commented 8 years ago

to be exact ... 1# needing this plugin to support AMD 2# needing type definition for this plugin, which might be something like jquery.toast.d.ts, and register with tsd

koljada commented 7 years ago

I agree. It would be great to have type definitions for the plugin.