kan-bayashi / ParallelWaveGAN

Unofficial Parallel WaveGAN (+ MelGAN & Multi-band MelGAN & HiFi-GAN & StyleMelGAN) with Pytorch
MIT License
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How can I solve "UnicodeDecodeError" ? #421

Closed omoidegit closed 8 months ago

omoidegit commented 9 months ago


I am trying to train ParallelWaveGAN on my own dataset, referring to "Run training using ESPnet2-TTS recipe within 5 minutes" on this page. However, I am getting the following error.

$ ./run.sh --stage 1 --conf conf/parallel_wavegan.v1.yaml Stage 1: Feature extraction Feature extraction start. See the progress via dump/eval/raw/preprocessing.*.log. Feature extraction start. See the progress via dump/train_nodev/raw/preprocessing.*.log. Feature extraction start. See the progress via dump/dev/raw/preprocessing.*.log. Successfully make subsets. Successfully make subsets. Successfully make subsets. run.pl: 4 / 4 failed, log is in dump/eval/raw/preprocessing.*.log run.pl: 4 / 4 failed, log is in dump/dev/raw/preprocessing.*.log run.pl: 4 / 4 failed, log is in dump/train_nodev/raw/preprocessing.*.log ./run.sh: 3 background jobs are failed.

The contents of preprocessing.*.log are as follows (folder and file names are changed):

# parallel-wavegan-preprocess --config conf/parallel_wavegan.v1.yaml --scp dump/train_nodev/raw/wav.1.scp --dumpdir dump/train_nodev/raw/dump.1 --verbose 1 # Started at Tue 12 Dec 2023 03:52:48 PM JST # \ 0%| | 0/1174 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kaldiio/utils.py:481: UserWarning: An error happens at loading "dump/raw/org/tr_no_dev/data/format.1/wavefile.flac" warnings.warn('An error happens at loading "{}"'.format(ark_name)) \ 0%| | 0/1174 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/bin/parallel-wavegan-preprocess", line 33, in sys.exit(load_entry_point('parallel-wavegan', 'console_scripts', 'parallel-wavegan-preprocess')()) File "/mypath/ParallelWaveGAN/parallel_wavegan/bin/preprocess.py", line 349, in main for uttid, (audio, fs) in tqdm(dataset): File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tqdm/std.py", line 1178, in \_iter for obj in iterable: File "/mypath/ParallelWaveGAN/parallel_wavegan/datasets/scpdataset.py", line 242, in \_getitem fs, audio = self.audio_loader[uttid] File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kaldiio/utils.py", line 479, in \_getitem__ return self._loader(ark_name) File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kaldiio/matio.py", line 240, in load_mat return _load_mat(fd, offset, slices, endian=endian) File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kaldiio/matio.py", line 330, in _load_mat array = read_kaldi(fd, endian) File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kaldiio/matio.py", line 442, in read_kaldi array = read_ascii_mat(fd) File "/mypath/anaconda3-2021.05/envs/espnet/lib/python3.8/site-packages/kaldiio/matio.py", line 589, in read_ascii_mat char = fd.read(1).decode(encoding=default_encoding) UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x82 in position 0: invalid start byte # Accounting: time=25 threads=1 # Ended (code 1) at Tue 12 Dec 2023 03:53:13 PM JST, elapsed time 25 seconds

It seems to be the same error as #372. How can I solve this problem?

kan-bayashi commented 9 months ago

The simplest solution is to convert from flac to wav, and the use converted audios as the data for recipe. Or you can use pipe command in wav.scp: e.g., hogehoge ffmpeg -i hogehoge.flac -f wav - |

omoidegit commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your answer. I will try it and report back in a few days whether it worked.

omoidegit commented 8 months ago

Sorry for the delay. I tried it and it worked. Thank you.