kanak22 / CP-DSA-Questions

This is a repository entirely dedicated to all kind of questions ranging from basic DSA to CP. It aims to provide a solution to different questions. 📚
73 stars 128 forks source link

Created Panagrams.c #546

Closed kitarp29 closed 2 years ago

kitarp29 commented 2 years ago

Link of the question https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/pangrams/problem

Related Issue #134

Closes: #[134]

Describe the changes you've made

Written code in C for the problem "Pangrams"

Mention any unusual behavior of your code (Write NA if not)



(To mark, write x inside the square brackets like this: [x])

kitarp29 commented 2 years ago

@kanak22 Please review and merge

kanak22 commented 2 years ago

Hey @kitarp29 I wont be able to merge this PR as it breaches the contributing guidelines for this project. Kindly have a read of the guidelines if you wish to contribute in this repo. As of now I will be closing this pr without merging it. ;)