kanasimi / wikiapi

JavaScript MediaWiki API for node.js
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Upload of missing file crashes script. #43

Closed hugolpz closed 2 years ago

hugolpz commented 3 years ago

I started script to upload 10 files. One target is missing :

Node script (relevant section):

                // upload
                let result = await targetWiki.upload({
                    file_path: `../DragonsBot/SOP/${zi}-${locale}${major}.${extension}`,
                    comment: `Upload Chinese radical ${zi} in red style, raster format.`, // <------------------------ TO EDIT
                    text: wikicode,
                    ignorewarnings: 1, // overwrite or create,
                    author: '[[User:Yug]]',
            }catch(e){ console.error(e); }

The node shell/script crashes on it, returning :

get_API_parameters: Set commonswiki: path=upload
    throw err;

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '../DragonsBot/SOP/亠-red.png'
    at Object.openSync (fs.js:461:3)
    at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:364:35)
    at get_file_object (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:638:24)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:759:5)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at to_form_data (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:793:3)
    at get_URL_node (/home/yug/Documents/DragonsBot/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:1395:4) {
  errno: -2,
  syscall: 'open',
  code: 'ENOENT',
  path: '../DragonsBot/SOP/亠-red.png'

I assumed the script would ping me "file missing" then pass over it and move to the next target.

The script works properly when files exist.

Note/idea: if there are both successful and missing files, it may be interesting to log the list of all successfull / failed upload, to then print it when the script ends.

kanasimi commented 3 years ago

I thought if we try { .upload() } and cache the error, the program will keep running. Didn’t the library actually do this?

kanasimi commented 3 years ago

Maybe you can give some further information, so I can know what had happened?

kanasimi commented 2 years ago

Hi. Is this error still appears?

hugolpz commented 2 years ago

Yes. Still there.

Assets in ./media: letters test files available here.

Data in ./data/letters.js :

module.exports = [
    // Data relevant to media files in ../media/
    // { letter: 'a', filename: 'a-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' },
    // { letter: 'b', filename: 'b-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' }, 
    { letter: 'z', filename: 'z-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' }, // <---- file does not exist, will fails ! --------------------------------- !!!!!
    { letter: 'c', filename: 'c-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' },
    { letter: 'd', filename: 'd-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' },
    { letter: 'e', filename: 'e-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' },
    { letter: 'f', filename: 'f-letter-test.svg', author: 'Yug' },

Code in ./wiki-upload-many.js :

// PURPOSE: Script to upload targets using an external data file.
// Run: $node wiki-upload-many.js
const Wikiapi= require('wikiapi');
const logins = require('./logins.js'); // <----------------- credentials from there
const letters= require('./data/letters.js');  // <----------------- data from there

// Login credentials from .login*.js
var USER = logins.commons.user,
    PASS = logins.commons.pass,
    API  = logins.commons.api;

(async () => {
    // Connect
    const wiki = new Wikiapi;
    await wiki.login(USER, PASS, API);
    console.log(`Username ${USER.split('@')[0]} is connected !`);

/* *************************************************************** */
/* CORE ACTION(S) HERE : HACK ME ! ******************************* */
    // Set upload parameters, maily for licensing reasons.
    // Note: parameter `text`, filled with the right wikicode `{{description|}}`, can replace most parameters.
    let options = {
        description: 'The letter',
        author: `[[User:${USER.split('@')[0]}|]]`,
        date: new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0],
        //source_url: 'https://github.com/kanasimi/wikiapi',
        permission: 'own work',
        other_versions: '',
        other_fields: '',
        license: ['{{PD-ineligible}}'],
        categories: [`[[Category:ShufaBot test: upload]]`],
        bot: 1,
       // tags:"tag1|tag2",

        // Upload file from URL
                file_path: `./media/${letters[i].filename}`,
                filename: `Letter-${letters[i].letter}-colors2.svg`,  // default : keep filename
                comment: `Upload colorful letter ${letters[i].letter} for latin alphabet.`,
                ignorewarnings: 1,  // overwrite
                description: `The letter ${letters[i].letter}, in black on white.`,
                author: `[[User:${USER.split('@')[0]}|]]`,
        }catch(e){ console.error('Fails upload: '+ e); }
/* END CORE ****************************************************** */
/* *************************************************************** */


Error message:

node wiki-upload-many.js 
get_API_parameters: Set commonswiki: path=query+siteinfo
Username ShufaBot is connected !
get_API_parameters: Set commonswiki: path=upload
    throw err;

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open './media/z-letter-test.svg'
    at Object.openSync (node:fs:585:3)
    at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:453:35)
    at get_file_object (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:638:24)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:759:5)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at process_next (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:791:4)
    at to_form_data (/home/yug/Documents/WikiapiJS-Eggs/node_modules/cejs/application/net/Ajax.js:793:3) {
  errno: -2,
  syscall: 'open',
  code: 'ENOENT',
  path: './media/z-letter-test.svg'

Node.js v17.0.1

On Commons :

Expected behavior (?): Since we are coding bots and aiming at automation, I expected such function to log an error for missing local/url files but to continue its lifecycle uploading all available files.

hugolpz commented 2 years ago

@kanasimi, what is the new expected behavior ?

kanasimi commented 2 years ago

It should continue uploading other files now.