Open yasuhito opened 11 years ago
I've added from hubot-scripts into scripts/ and added prerequisites for that.
When I pushed "TestHook" button in GitHub WebHook page, I got the following error: (the hook URL is set to
$ heroku logs (snip) 2013-02-19T07:18:41+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H14 desc="No web processes running" method=POST path=/hubot/gh-commits?room=1 fwd="" dyno= queue= wait= connect= service= status=503 bytes=
Am I missing some setting? Sorry if this is not a hubot-kandan's issue.
SAME here! Why was this possibly closed without showing a resolution?
I've added from hubot-scripts into scripts/ and added prerequisites for that.
When I pushed "TestHook" button in GitHub WebHook page, I got the following error: (the hook URL is set to
Am I missing some setting? Sorry if this is not a hubot-kandan's issue.