kandanapp / kandan

Kandan is an Open Source Alternative to HipChat
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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IRC gateway? #26

Open garrett opened 11 years ago

garrett commented 11 years ago

I'd love to use this with various teams, but some people are all about IRC clients, especially text-based ones.

Is there any functionality or are there any plans on having an IRC gateway of some sort, so that those of us who want the nice UI can use it, and the old-schoolers can still connect to interact?

…Or perhaps the other way around, where the UI can be used with standard IRC servers?

fusion94 commented 11 years ago

This is something I've already been thinking about but we have more pressing issues atm :+1:

garrett commented 11 years ago

Thanks Tony!

I figured as much, and didn't want to add noise to the bug tracker, but some sort of IRC integration is one of (if not the) show stopper for me to use it with my team, and figured others might be in the same boat.

It looks great so far, and I am sure a lot of people who don't depend on IRC would use this in a heartbeat.

The inline graphics really caught my attention, and a few of my fellow FOSS designer friends also loved it too. It's a bit of a struggle sometimes to communicate visual concepts on IRC, when URLs can easily get lost in the noise (and always demand a contact switch).

jbenet commented 11 years ago

I'd like to throw in that IRC compatibility is a big reason to continue using grove.io. Would love to see this added to kandanapp.

Acen commented 11 years ago

+1 for this. only thing stopping our team from jumping ship.

BrianHicks commented 11 years ago

+1 here too, it'd stave off the need for a dedicated mobile client as well!

fairchild commented 10 years ago


esden commented 10 years ago

+1 This is a very important feature for us too.

taoeffect commented 10 years ago

+1, shouldn't be hard! dunno if hubot irc would help.

Edit: prepackaged hubot irc

taoeffect commented 10 years ago

fyi, with the prepackaged irc bot i mentioned, you can already get IRC+logs fairly quickly, if that's all you want. It would also be simple to add additional functionality. i might even do that myself (i already have it running with logs)... If you do it though (or want to work together on something like this) please reply here or let me know!

elpollodiablo commented 10 years ago

The pricing model of grove miffs me to no avail. Also, the search (and backlog) functions are sooo much better in kandan than on grove.

I'd throw in a bounty in the sum of half a year of our grove membership costs (300USD) for rudimentary irc support (non-authenticated privmsgs + channels - simple, but working reliably, and sustainably coded, i.e. not some hack attaching an external ircd) if anyone is up for implementing that? Message me to put a claim on the bounty.

I don't care that much about security as it would be intranet-only and wouldn't fulfill any vital function. But gosh, I loathe the grove archive search function.

LouisKottmann commented 10 years ago


jbenet commented 10 years ago

Sidenote: gitter.im has irc compat.