kando-menu / kando

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Turbo-Mode for shortcuts without modifiers #407

Closed Crunchbits closed 2 weeks ago

Crunchbits commented 2 months ago

Currently the default Kando shortcut (ex.Ctrl+Space) opens the menu in Point-and-Click mode but while you hold the associated modifier (ex.Ctrl) you switch to Turbo-Mode. I prefer Turbo-Mode to the point that it's the only mode I would like to use, however, I would also like to activate it with just one key button (ex. F1). That is not currently possible because Turbo-Mode's activation is associated with the Point-and-Click mode modifier.

My initial implementation suggestion would have been:

  1. If a Turbo-Mode shortcut has NOT been specified, use the associated modifier from the Point-and-Click mode(meaning it functions the same as Kando always has)
  2. If a Turbo-Mode shortcut has been specified, use that instead of the associated modifier for Turbo-Mode. In the json settings this could be under the "shortcut" section called something like "shortcutTurbo"

My more complicated implementation suggestion is: The same as above. However, instead of "shortcut" and "shortcutTurbo" you would have something like "primaryShortcut" and "secondaryShortcut" with the option of making Turbo-Mode as the "primaryShortcut". Why? Well this makes it so that if you want to primarily use Turbo-Mode, you don't have to manually set 2 shortcuts every time you make a menu.

I would honestly be more than happy with just the initial implementation, especially since I have no clue what the general activation type preferences are for Kando users.

Schneegans commented 2 months ago

Hi there! I totally understand your point (I also use Turbo mode more or less exclusively). Here are some thoughts from my side:

So I think that there are at least two alternative solutions to your issue:

  1. Bring back Hover Mode: There would be a checkbox in the settings of each menu which would enable it for this menu. Then you would not need to hold down any key but would have Turbo-Mode like behavior all the time.
  2. A completely different thought: Why not simply make any key a Turbo-Mode modifier? So the menu would be in Turbo Mode whenever key on the keyboard is held down?
Crunchbits commented 2 months ago
  1. Bring back Hover mode is for sure my preferred solution.

  2. I don't fully comprehend this alternative solution. By "any key" do you mean ANY key on the keyboard while the menu is open? Or by "any key" do you mean it could be any custom key that is not necessarily the associated modifier from the Point-and-Click mode? Regardless, assuming I understood the general concept, if this required having to press more than one key (the shortcut to open the menu in Point-and-Click mode plus the modifier key for Turbo-Mode) I don't think I would personally prefer this. I think if possible a single key & hold (assuming it's feasible) for Hover Mode would be more useful.

Schneegans commented 2 months ago

I don't fully comprehend this alternative solution.

Yeah, I just mean "any key is currently pressed on the keyboard". That means if you press F1 and keep it pressed, the menu is in Turbo-Mode until you release the key. This would require no additional setting. However, I am not sure if this is possible. I'll give this a test. And Hover mode will come back as well, however this will be tracked in #303.