kanflo / opendps

Give your DPS5005 the upgrade it deserves
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Support for DPH5005? Would be really useful because DPH can do StepUp #247

Open ME20001 opened 2 years ago

ME20001 commented 2 years ago


It would be really useful, if the OpenDPS would support the DPH5005 this one: https://www.reichelt.de/de/de/dph-labornetzgeraet-0-50-v-0-5-a-joy-it-dph-5005-p263189.html?r=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA95aRBhCsARIsAC2xvfyekwSnoBKaJY3fs9ofaIt5AFGLL09ytZrKbm74D6tzaN8eVEsh5g0aAvXTEALw_wcB

Because it can produce output voltages that are higher than the input voltage.