kangarko / Boss

Premium custom monsters plugin with skill system, natural spawning and lots of sickest features!
77 stars 28 forks source link

1.12.2: Cave spider & spiders don't attack #1216

Closed SladeHazard closed 10 months ago

SladeHazard commented 10 months ago

Is it possible to make it so cave spider & spider bosses attack players during the day as well?

SladeHazard commented 10 months ago

also how can I code this properly? why is boss giving a warning for using its API... Also bosseggevent is triggered when you even left click or drop the egg


@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onDispenserPlace(BossSpawnEvent e) {
    Player player = e.getPlayer();

    // Check if the player is NOT in the "darkzone" region
    if (!isInsideDarkzoneRegion(player.getLocation())) {
        player.sendMessage(Main.colourise("&c&l[!]&c You cannot spawn a boss here! &a&l/warp darkzone"));
kangarko commented 10 months ago

Hey and thanks for using Boss!

Is it possible to make it so cave spider & spider bosses attack players during the day as well? Yes absolutely, just install Citizens and enable Custom pathfinders, set it to aggressive and set the target to player.

Your other question Correct, BossEggEvent is triggered on Egg use. This was an asked feature to trigger it in these cases.

You can disable the warning if you cancel BossEggEvent. Do you wish to remove the warning from BossSpawnEvent too?

SladeHazard commented 10 months ago

Hey and thanks for using Boss!

Is it possible to make it so cave spider & spider bosses attack players during the day as well? Yes absolutely, just install Citizens and enable Custom pathfinders, set it to aggressive and set the target to player.

Your other question Correct, BossEggEvent is triggered on Egg use. This was an asked feature to trigger it in these cases.

You can disable the warning if you cancel BossEggEvent. Do you wish to remove the warning from BossSpawnEvent too?

I'm using BossSpawnEvent, how can I disable the warning here? I can't seem to find anything related to it in settings.yml

SladeHazard commented 10 months ago

another question, is this wiki outdated or are there just no placeholders for getting top damagers, boss's killer name and player who spawned the boss's name?

The wiki shows {killer here} image

but it's not shown on the actual placeholder wiki list: image


kangarko commented 10 months ago

Hey and thanks for using Boss!

Is it possible to make it so cave spider & spider bosses attack players during the day as well? Yes absolutely, just install Citizens and enable Custom pathfinders, set it to aggressive and set the target to player.

Your other question Correct, BossEggEvent is triggered on Egg use. This was an asked feature to trigger it in these cases.

You can disable the warning if you cancel BossEggEvent. Do you wish to remove the warning from BossSpawnEvent too?

I'm using BossSpawnEvent, how can I disable the warning here? I can't seem to find anything related to it in settings.yml

No problem, I will add a new boolean to Egg.Spawn.Send_Fail_Message in your messages_x.yml file, set it to false to hide this warning.

another question, is this wiki outdated or are there just no placeholders for getting top damagers, boss's killer name and player who spawned the boss's name?

The wiki shows {killer here} image

but it's not shown on the actual placeholder wiki list: image


We support more variables if you have PlaceholderAPI installed. You can use these extra variables from your second image on any place where PlaceholderAPI supports them.

kangarko commented 10 months ago

Let me know if you have more questions below!

SladeHazard commented 10 months ago

Let me know if you have more questions below!

The default localization files don't have the option added and when I tried to add it manually, it did nothing. I'm not sure if I did it correctly:



kangarko commented 10 months ago

Sorry about this. I will reupload the version to BuiltByBit. It should be found automatically in your localization file:
