kangarko / Boss

Premium custom monsters plugin with skill system, natural spawning and lots of sickest features!
77 stars 28 forks source link

1.8.8: Question & Bugs #1240

Closed IceGames23 closed 4 months ago

IceGames23 commented 5 months ago


I'm running Boss v4.11.0 right now, but I'm having some issues since 4.10.3, here are they:

1º) "Persistent" bosses transforms in normal mobs after a restart and aren't cleaneble with /boss butcher. I don't know why this occours, but always when I restart my server and I run /boss butcher, a lot of "bosses" transforms in normal mobs. That's really annoying, because always when I restart my server I have to run /difficulty 0 for clean all bosses, and this breaks other plugins and areas that uses mobs.

2º) This is more a question, but maybe a issue too: I'm running my dungeons with "spawn_rule join region", when a player enter in some area the bosses of this area are spawned using . Normally I have 4-10 location mobs per spawn rule. The problem is, a lot of times, when I enter in some region with more then 12+ mob locations (idk exactly) some locations the bosses don't spawn, only spawn some locations, not all of them. Is there some limitation of locations per spawn rule?

3º) This is related with the second issue. A lot of times when I enter in this regions with a lot of locations, the bosses spawns with items that shouldn't spawn, like for Zombie bosses, spawns with shovel or Skeletons spawns with bows. Are not all of them, but a considerable amount. This is related maybe with the second issue?

If you need to send something please let me know, thank you in advance.

kangarko commented 5 months ago

Please try the next Boss version released in 1h and let me know.

IceGames23 commented 5 months ago

Ok, I'll try it when I get home from college

IceGames23 commented 5 months ago

image The third issue still stays and the first too, the second I didn't tested yet. I'm going to college rn. 1º Issue) Bosses spawn and after restarting they are no longer considered bosses

kangarko commented 5 months ago

I'm gonna investigate asap. Can you please post your /boss debug and let me know which boss is on the image that is bugged?

IceGames23 commented 5 months ago

debug.zip Normally all skeleton type bosses, and sometimes zombie bosses appers with shovel and etc. This mob of the image it's "ialvl1", but the same appers for all "ia(...)" bosses.

About the first issue, I tried /boss scan too, don't works after a restart.

kangarko commented 4 months ago

I am looking into your file and looks like you've spent a lot of time making these mobs, so I'll make sure the problem gets resolved.

Do you have any mob/entity stacking plugin? If not, and if possible, drop the old PaperSpigot 1.8.8 instead of PandaSpigot for a day of testing to see if the problem goes away. Because some stack plugins or forks that manipulate entities will remove our nbt tag to help identify bosses.

IceGames23 commented 4 months ago

Thank you mate, I really spent a lot of hours testing and creating these mobs.

I don't have any mob stacking plugin, mainly because I thought this can breake some of my systems, including Boss plugin.

I ask my manager to test Boss with PaperSpigot, and he said that the bugs persists, but when I get home I'll test again. But I cannot use PaperSpigot because don't support Java 16/17, and I have some plugins that only support Java 16/17, that's why I use PandaSpigot fork.

kangarko commented 4 months ago


IceGames23 commented 4 months ago

image image https://youtu.be/78mfVwY5eX0

Hey! I recorded a video in a test server demonstrating how the bug occurs, I left only the main plugins for the world works. In the main server I have arround 80 plugins. I'm using PandaSpigot-119 and Java 17.

I made a second test with Boss 4.11.2, same results.

kangarko commented 4 months ago

Can you please do a test server with just "Boss" installed, please? Just to be 100% sure it's not caused by another plugin. If that won't do then I will inject some more debug messages into Boss to help us nail down the issue.

IceGames23 commented 4 months ago

image image Test 1 - With 9 plugins

image image Test 2 - With 3 plugins

Samething, nothing changes

kangarko commented 4 months ago

If possible can you zip the entire bugged server to ufile.io, all files, so I can reproduce exactly 100% matching your setup?

IceGames23 commented 4 months ago

You have to modify the java path in start-windows.bat, disable bungeecord and go to the dungeon area in 2019 129 1251 in main_world. The whole area is configured with spawn rules with "enter a region" type.

Here's the download: https://ufile.io/zvlu9o88

kangarko commented 4 months ago

@IceGames23 I was able to reproduce on your server. After, I reworked metadata storage, and the bug seemed to be gone. Can you please confirm it's fixed on your end too using this dev build? Make sure to remove the old corrupted bosses since they are not able to be fixed.


IceGames23 commented 4 months ago

Hey, I think the first issue it's fixed, thanks! I tested some times and it's working. But some mobs still appering with their "defaults" items, like this Zombie and some Skeletons too image

kangarko commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the feedback!

Please test this dev build to see if mobs spawn without equipment. Please note that we remove the equipment after 4 ticks so it will be shown for a very short time after the mob spawned. This has to do with your old MC limitations:


IceGames23 commented 4 months ago

Hey! Sorry for the late response, I was in college. But I tested here and some mobs still appers the equipament image

kangarko commented 4 months ago

Unfortunately that might be your Spigot fork, we already call the proper APIs. This would be a wontfix issue.