kangarko / Boss

Premium custom monsters plugin with skill system, natural spawning and lots of sickest features!
77 stars 28 forks source link

Localization: Russian #922

Closed tyuop077 closed 2 years ago

tyuop077 commented 2 years ago

Here's the russian localization for Boss (translated from Boss 4.0.2's messages_en.yml and tested in-game for each case) (though, some cases would have parenthesis (like second/seconds, that has 3 forms) or not exactly right (like "None" has different words for object, counts, locations etc (Ничего, Никто, Ничто, Нигде), there's no universal None), though I tried to put some explanation and make explanations better for Russian native speakers).


I were comparing each translation line with lines defined on the Boss code (ex. is "Boss" refers a plugin name or bosses) and there was some issues with translations, such as:

Examples: Reloading (wasn't used, bare string hard-coded is used instead), Disabled, No_BungeeCord, Incompatible, Toggled_Plugin_Part, Alternative_Header, hard-coded boss tools menu strings, that aren't defined on localization file (some are defined, but they were duplicated on the code and hard-coded ones were used instead), Label_Authors, Data_Missing etc.

ChatControl Red and other plugins' translations probably in the future.

PS. Please, make it so plugin won't throw the error if localization isn't defined on jar resources and already exists on plugin folder! I know, that I can use messages_en.yml one to edit, but let it be like everyone not English-native speakers expected it to work. Placing messages_ru.yml into jar solved the issue (but that's not how it should work).

kangarko commented 2 years ago

Thank you! We have the same problem for "none" in my own language (Slovak), unfortunately there is no fix for this at the moment.

We do not have an easy way to remove strings that are unused. Those are stored in the Foundation library and shipped with every plugin regardless if they are used or not.

Also, Boss should enable the translation of all features for players, but administrative only features such as our menu system is not translateable.

Thanks for your other suggestions!

tyuop077 commented 2 years ago

One slight change, missed that oops (sneaky is)

    Perms_Yes: '&2да'
    Perms_No: '&cнет'
      Description: Найти биом на твоей локации или локации игрока.
-     Success: '&7Биом расположен в x: {0} y: {1} z: {2} is &6{3}.'
+     Success: '&7Биом, расположенный в x: {0} y: {1} z: {2} - &6{3}.'
      Description: Убить созданных боссов.
kangarko commented 2 years ago
